hey, hand fuckers. Ya ok, maybe you are not one but ya definitely wanna be one. At least when you think of me in my catholic school girl uniform. Ya, that is when your dick is pointing to the lord going grant me the load of cum I need to plaster that sweet angelic face full of nut batter.
What that’s not the prayer you saying when you see this bratty phone sex princess walking by?
Well, that sucks cuz I know I am thinking of all sorts of nasty phone sex shit when I am on my knees praying. Such as can you make Joey’s dick grow bigger? Ya, that prayer ain’t come true yet but ya know I still try. I can say that this fucking a catholic school girl fantasy that does get me some awesome bonus points with the older men. The old guys are completely twisted with their taboo fantasies I can say that much.
Hmm so maybe my prayers of Joey getting a bigger dick didn’t come true but I am getting some bigger perverted old man dick so am I losing out? NOPE!
What do you think?
Well, I am ready for some downright nasty catholic school girl phone sex fantasies how about you?
All you have to do is call the number below and ask for Bree the bratty school girl of your taboo desires.