So here we are the very last Sunday of 2018.
Do you have anything you like to repent before the year is over.
Confess away your sins so you can start the new year a fresh?
Who are we kidding.
You spent the morning in church not paying much attention to the man behind the pulpit. All you could think of is when you get to escape and bow before your true god. Well Goddess more like. The one who will bring you closer to the Dark Lord. The one who will have you denounce your faith in jesus quicker than quick. The one who will make you jerk your seed all over that crucifix while you confess all the sick things you wish to do on a Sunday evening.
The last Sunday before the new year.
Yes its time for some religious blasphemy phone sex with your one and only Dark Goddess Shiva.
So lets kick this year off right. I want you to grab your bible, your crucifix, rosary beads and then strip down naked before calling me. See this isnt a religious blasphemy phone sex call where you just get to sit there and say “Fuck Jesus!” Or “Hail Satan!”
No precious puppet. I am actually going to make sure jesus sees how little you think of your Christian up bringing. What you think about when your sitting in that wooden pew. Yes time to let jesus know who sick and perverted you truly are. Not that he doesnt know but I want it out for him to see. Let him see there is no saving your soul.
Your soul belongs to Satan now!
Or it will be when I am done with it after our religious blasphemy phone sex call.
Yes just ask for Dark Goddess Shiva. The number is below. Lets ensure your 2019 starts off on the right sinful note.