There are simply some days in which one gets bored. In these days of modern technology, you can see everything and do everything in such a short time, that one may occasionally end up yearning for a simpler time.
A time like the one back when we believed we discovered the music of the future because we now had synthesizers and keytars. Back when I used to go to clubs with my girlfriends and get free drinks from guys with blazers that had giant shoulder pads and popped collars over hyper color t-shirts. Of course, these days, all of my girlfriends are a bit too respectable. Naturally, that is where you little sissy boys come in!
Oh, yes, you little boys will become my little glam rock groupies as we recapture a bit of the days when Journey was still the biggest band in the world and singing “Don’t Stop Believing” at the top of one’s lungs wasn’t yet considered a cliche.
Oh, but don’t get me wrong, though. You won’t look like Dee Snyder or any other member of Twisted Sister. No, no. This particular phone-sex MILF will not be caught dead with girls like that at her side. I want you to look more like…hmmm… Madonna in her heyday, or perhaps a cross between Cyndi Lauper or Pat Benetar. Oh, tight leather skirt with your hair in a sideways ponytail…gaudy lipstick with a zebra print blouse, and a pink scarf. Tattered leggings with ankle boots, and pointless rubber bracelets.
Of course, the difference between then and now is that the white stuff on your nose will be from when the guy I select for you to pleasure that night pulls out of your mouth and misses the rest of your face…
Does that sort of feminization phone sex sound appealing to you? If so, please give Mrs. Porscha a call.