With the current temps that have hit the west coast my desire to put my tits in a bra has diminished to zero. Which does have me wondering how many men out there that have a large breast fetish who prefer them to just be set free.
For a large breasted woman to just say fuck that bra and allow those amazing breasts to just hang naturally, unsupported.
That natural spread of her massive tits as they spread out over her body. For me its when I sit down that my breast just lay out over my fat belly.
Or maybe it has nothing to do with that hang of a large breast that catches your attention, more to do with the fact our nipples are so obvious without that bra holding them back.
Love to know what you prefer as a man with a fetish for large breasts. The supported look or that natural look?
Honestly, I have always been bra free at home letting my breasts enjoy the freedom of not being poked by a bra. Course when I step out I do love a good support bra that will have my breasts raised up to the moon. Showing off as much cleavage as I can in any outfit of course.
But with the current temps the idea of putting on such attire is just eh. So its been nothing but strapless dresses and they really do show off my large breasts and how I am not wearing any supportive garments underneath. Hell I could flash a guy with one slip of my top. Pretty sure I did when I was out grocery shopping last night. Without thinking just bent right over to look at something on the shelf and my dress just flopped forward and it was my boobies on display.
Not complaining was just laughing wondering who got the view. Was hoping a few did cause that aisle had some rather sexy gentlemen in it.
Anyways let me know if you have a large breast fetish and how you would feel about seeing a BBW wandering the store with no bra on. Love to see where this goes.
Just ask for Trisha