Hiya! Its me Dani! Your barely legal phone sex tease!
Holy Moly! I had the funniest call this guy wanted a girl with a young phone voice which is ME! To be the neighbor next door who got locked out cause her parents didn’t leave a key under the mat and it wouldn’t of been so bad but it was raining so ya definitely didn’t wanna wait outside in the rain. So I went next door to wait. But I showed up all wet. My blonde pigtails were dripping down on to my white t-shirt which only showed off my little titties. It made him all excited to see my little nipples poking out my wet t-shirt.
He was so excited he didn’t even offer to give me a change of shirt or even a towel. Like that’s rude! he just let me stand there dripping water on the floor. Then he clicked in he should let me change. So he let me go to the bathroom and I found his wanking material. His lube and dirty magazines. I started to giggle in the bathroom. He heard me and came to find out what I was laughing out when he got to the bathroom door he found me giggling at all the naked titties. That really made his cock get hard then.
So I started to bug him about liking to jerk his cock to naked tits. Then you know what I did?
I teased him and asked him if he want to look at my teen tits? he was almost moaning. I think that was a definite yes. So I started to tease him by pulling my shirt up just a little bit or pulling it down. All the time going wanna look at my titties? He really wanted to stroke his cock.
It was so much fun teasing him.
I still wanna tease.
Do you wanna be teased by a cute barely legal phone sex tease?
Cause I am ready to tease your cock!
Ask for Dani