Some know me as Tara but others, the sick among us would say that I am the reason they are bug chasers. Their thirst for the infected started when they entered into a bug chasing phone sex call with me.
I would apologize for such things but that really isnt who I am.
Wont apologize in me wanting the thrill of you craving to suck back on diseased dick. To wonder if he will be the one to infest you with his horrible STD. Ya sounds sick but really do you expect anything less from a sick fetish whore? I would think not.
Being the nasty whore that I am there are many bug chasing fantasies that run through my mind. I have no issue sharing them with you for this is how you become addicted to those nasty infected cocks. Sure I could make you want some whore that spread her legs for countless men but really that isnt where its is. I want to push your limits.
Rather than leave you wondering what would be one of those bug chasing phone sex fantasies would be its rather simple, a gang bang situation. Men lined up with all varieties of cock. Large. Small. Medium. Healthy. Sores. Smooth. Bumpy. Some containing the all desirable gift. You wont know. Its your job to suck them all off to that wonderful orgasmic completion.
Ya thats all I can really say cause I will only be typing one handed and lets face it much rather share the excitement with you.