This time of year makes me think of shrinking fetish! I know why? Simple all the treats. There is gingerbread men and marshmallow snowmen. Today, I was watching a show about making gingerbread houses and I was thinking wouldnt it be fun to shrink a guy and have him live in a little gingerbread house over the holidays.
Then on Christmas Day, go all Amazonian woman on him and destroy the house. Ripping the roof off. Seeing him huddled in the corner by the gingerbread fireplace for cover. Just consuming the roof like I had not eaten in months. Teasing him. Making him wonder if I will eat him like I did the roof.
The thought of that shrinking man phone sex fantasy actually makes me want to go out and get a gingerbread house. I will get you a super cute one guys. You know the ones with the gum drop fences and candy cane roof peaks. Wait a minute I could get a whole gingerbread neighbourhood going on. Just think of all the shrunken men I could have!
You can reach me at the number below just ask for Kassidy and lets get you shrunk down into my shrinking fetish village.