AB/DL Fetish Phone Sex

Are you an adult baby looking for that one woman to understand your ab/dl fetish phone sex needs?

ab/dl fetish phone sex

I know who would think it would be so hard to find that one person who could look after you. But it really can be. Mind you it does depend on what is the right phone mommy for you. As someone who loves talking to adult babies I know a thing or two about you naughty boys. Like some of you can be a bit mischievous and get into all sorts of trouble and need a strong mommy to get you back in shape. That usually requires some strict punishment.

Which is why I have a wide variety of punishing tools. I am not above whipping those tools out and giving a firm spanking on your bare or padded backside as a way to teach you a thing or two. Course some of you naughty adult babies seem to enjoy that punishment and truth be told so do I. So even though I act all upset with you, this mommy is more than thrilled to have a reason to dive into her box of discipline goodies.

Well the good news is you can find me available for calls starting around 9am eastern how late I go well that depends on how much fun I am having.  Would love for you to give me a call so we can get you on the right path of  being a good adult baby. Mommy’s favorite discipline tool, my wooden hair brush, is always with in reach.

Just ask for Jennifer

ab/dl fetish phone sex

Suck a Phone Sex Tranny Dick

Oh guys if your calling this phone sex tranny dont expect me not to tell you to suck my cock at some point.

I mean your calling me for one thing and one thing alone. My beautiful dick! I know its special. I know its in demand. Oh the amount of straight men who have dropped down to their knees to suck my amazing tranny dick only so they could get that feeling out of their system. That feeling guys is called bisexuality.

phone sex tranny

You think sucking a chick with a dick doesnt make you a fag boy?

Oh how you are wrong.

When you have a dick in your mouth and your sucking away be it a gay boy dick or a tranny cock its all the same. Mind you I would take a shemale over a guy any day. You get to look up at my beautiful breasts. The best of both worlds why do you think I am a transexual?

So stop looking at your tranny porn and give me a call you know your wondering what it would be like to suck a phone sex tranny’s dick.

I am right here stroking my cock.

Just ask for Dru

phone sex tranny

Phone Sex Granny

There is one thing I dont care for is men my own age. They just cant seem to keep up with this sexy phone sex granny. That is why I am always on the hunt for younger men. Its not something I tell my friends for they are more interested in going to some bridge group or bingo. Oh please darling why would I go there? Not like I am going to find some young men with a raging hard on. Well unless the boy filling up the water glasses is some wrinkle chaser but really.

mature phone sex granny

I use to hang out at this little pub and well that was doing well for me until I pretty much went through most the men there. You start to get a bit of a reputation you know. Though I do love the reputation of being the granny that will suck your cock in the bathroom stall. Do believe my name is written on the middle stall, actually but I needed more. So that is what had me reaching for the phone. I can lay back in bad grab my favorite toy. Yes even grandmothers have sex toys! And enjoy myself with you naughty boys.

Amazing what naughty fantasies you guys have with a mature phone sex granny. I am not complaining by any means I am loving it really bring on those nasty fetishes. I love them!

Give me a call the mature phone granny you were looking for is right here.

Just ask for Betty, your taboo phone sex granny.

phone sex granny

Rope Bondage Phone Sex

So I was recounting my first hogtied bondage experience a little bit ago and really had to end the blog much too soon but anyone who has a bondage fetish knows once you start thinking about it. Well lets just put it this way I had to let my fingers do something else other than type and I doubt my mind could focus on the details any more. Not one to leave things unfinished I came back to finish off that rope bondage phone sex blog.

As a little refresher, I was in a hotel room with a complete stranger. Striped naked and laying on the hotel bed with nothing more than creamy white rope twisted and knotted around my body. Every move I did would have that rope rubbing against my pale skin and leaving it a bit pink. In some ways I wanted to move for that rope felt amazing against my skin. I was on my stomach with the rope tying up my ankles to my wrists in a complete hogtie position.

I was vulnerable.

I was excited.

I was ready for anything this stranger could give me.

Or so I thought.

rope bondage phone sex

That is when he brought out the nipple clamps from his case. Rolling me over on to my side. My nipples at this point were hard. His fingers flicked them to make them harder and more excited. Pulling on them. He knelt down next to the bed so that both his hands could toy with my bound tits. I could not help but moan. It was in that moment of being lost in the excitement when the nipple clamps came on. Catapulting me back into reality. That I was a bound bitch at the mercy of someone else.

What ever he wanted he could do to me. Those teeth on the nipple clamps made me realize that quickly. For my nipples were on fire. Scratch that my pussy was on fire. He knew this too. For I was no the first girl he had tied up. Nor would I be the last. But I was the only one he had tied up at the moment. So i was the one that mattered.

I was his rope bondage bitch.

His finger looping around the chain that ran between my clamped nipples. Part of me begged with him not to tug at it the other part of me was begging to feel the sexual rush that would happen the minute he did tug at it. He could sense it. That gleam in his eyes told me so.

Before I could think.

Before I could debate what it would be.

He was pulling that chain and plunging his fingers into my dampening pussy. Oh the intensity of it all. This was ecstasy. I am sure of it. Each tug would have his fingers slipping in and out of my pussy.

I was rocking back and forth on my bindings. Letting my skin become raw under the bondage rope. All that mattered was the building orgasm. My first bondage orgasm at the hands of a complete stranger.

Each time I came close he would rock my body in such away that my focus became the bindings and less about my pussy. I was cursing him and praising him at the same time. I was all over the place with my thoughts.

I can say when he did allow me to cum it was intense which I know those who experiment with orgasm edging can agree with.

Perhaps we can create our own rope bondage phone sex fantasy. I could be the sexy stranger to hogtie you.

Devon Smith

devonizwicked aim:yim

rope bondage phone sex

Hogtied Bondage Fetish

There are those moments in time when you sit back and think back on what you have done sexually. The path you have ventured down and there are certain moments that make you not just smile but actually make you pussy still tingle with delight over that experience. It might not have been something you have done for quite awhile but it still resonates with in you so much that your body remembers even if it takes your mind a few moments to capture all the delicious moments of it. For me its a certain hogtied bondage event that comes to mind instantly.

It was my very first time venturing into bondage of any type let along hogtied bondage. It was a stranger I had met up with at a coffee shop of all things but that wouldn’t really surprise you too much for I lived in a small town when I was younger and well this guy was just someone traveling through, there to do some work for a few days then move along. Which made it perfect he had a yearning for some bondage fetish and a wide eyed strawberry blonde girl just out of high school was perfect for him. After talking a for awhile over all types of bizarre shit. Not talking oh I am a sexual freak type shit it was worldly stuff you know the stuff I just didnt get from the guys my age. He knew that I was lacking certain things in my life too from the guys my own age as was he. He found it hard to tell his wife that he had a fetish for bondage. So that is what made him look for “willing victims” such as myself.

hogtied bondage bitch

It really didnt take long before I was heading to his hotel room not quite sure what was in store for me really. I knew this guy was going to enlighten me sexually in ways that I knew was missing but beyond that it was a mystery.

A delightful mystery.

One I was truly ready to discover.

He must of been in the mood too for he told me to strip naked. I must say the warm person I met at the coffee shop disappeared. Sure he was still there but there was this new aura that came over him. One of authority that you just had to obey. I removed my clothes quickly.

His next bark was to lay on the bed as he ventured to his suitcase and pulled out the most creamy silky nylon rope. Tons of it for it seemed heavy to lift. He started weaving that silky rope around my neck this intricate application of knots and twists began there. I had to roll and twist and aid him in his application of the bondage but yet at the same time with every pull of the rope as it glided over my bare skin it was enticing. Erotic.

Must say just sitting here writing about it I find it most stimulating as well.

He would place knots around my breasts.

Then came rolling me over on to my stomach so that he could have my arms bound to behind me. The hogtied bondage began. I could see how this could be quite the stimulating fetish for someone. For only being bound for 15 minutes it was already having an effect on me. To see the look on his face as he had to work each twist and knot was arousing as well. Hearing him command me to bend my knees. I knew this was the part where he was going to completely hogtie me but at the same time I didnt stop it.

I wanted him to continue till I was completely bound. To let the silk of the rope rub against my pale skin. Must admit my mind did wander to what does happen when one is in a hogtied bondage state? Think its only a natural reaction. I felt very vulnerable and very arouse. The two feelings were fighting each other in some ways and in others they were very at home with each other.

Now I could tell you what all happened with me being hogtied but really that would be something to savor at a later date. For I am becoming far too aroused to sit here and type any more.

Be sure to ask for Devon Smith  let us explore some hogtied bondage fetish together.

hogtied bondage fetish

Girls Peeing Their Pants Phone Sex

Lets face it most the time I go to the bar I am seeing guys that are there to buy girls drinks in hopes they are going to get into their pants. They know a sober girl isnt going to jump their bones. Course there are those few guys that venture to the bar not to get a girl drunk so they can slip into her pussy but for something else ~ Getting girls peeing their pants.

Ya dont act all shocked about it!

girls peeing their pants

Sure if your into girls peeing their pants phone sex you have thought about it a time or two and if this is your first time hearing it then your probably thinking fuck why havent I done this. Drunk girls need to pee all the time. All you need to do is distract them from using the washroom and boom you can get those girls peeing their pants.

Well the other night I was at the bar and sure enough in the bathroom doing what a girl does and a few blonde drunk girls were chatting, actually it was more like warning anyone within a decent ear shot. About the guy who was at the bar buying any girl in tight jeans drinks. Most girls would walk by and be all ya ya another guy wanting to get a girl drunk and fuck her. Well as I was standing washing my hands I knew the moment they said buying only girls in jeans drinks what this guy was up too. Sure you can blame the extreme taboo phone sex calls I have taken but in someways it might go beyond that. For you piss fetish guys are all the same. You guys get so aroused looking a girl darkening her jeans with her warm hot golden nectar.

It was probably wrong of me to think as I walked out that bathroom, “fuck I had to wear a dress tonight!” Though he wasnt hard to spot wandering the bar moving from girl to girl and getting shot down pretty quick thanks to the drunken blonde warning system in the bathroom. Perhaps they were just jealous they were on his kinky perverted radar.

Left before I could see if he found anyone. Who knows maybe my next girls peeing their pants phone sex call will be him? Then I could ask him how he made out at the bar. Love to actually know what he finds so arousing about those piss soaked jeans.


Swtcourtney4fun Aim:Yim

girls peeing their pants

bratty domme phone sex

hey hand fuckers! this total taboo phone sex fuck wanted to know what i had been wearing when i went out tonight. like duh! what ever i put on my hot bratty domme phone sex body is going to be fucking hot.

bratty domme phone sex

seriously i have provide so much extra visual material for your guys spank bank or what ever the fuck ya call it. either way your at home after a night at the bar or hell even the mall your rushing home to give some self fucking love. oh what the hell do you hand fuckers call it? you guys have so many names for it its like totally unreal.

anyways I was telling him that right now i was wearing just a cute over sized white tshirt and pink panties but he was all were you wearing that out to the bar? hell no even though i do look fucking hot in it i didnt wear it to the bar. i wore my skinny black jeans and this amazing blue shirt that had no back to it so like i couldnt wear a bra. ya total nipple city. not like anyone was complaining ya know! might as well just say thank you to this bratty domme phone sex girl cause i just added an extra chapter to your mental jerk off catalog.

so after a few moans from the guy he was like did you get fucked? umm duh! i get fucked any time i want when ever i want. not that i expect you hand fuckers to understand. since any time you try to get laid its always a big fat no! haha i bet you losers even get turned down by your hand. when your hand cramps it is its way of saying not tonight i got a headache.

so then he was like who fucked you? was it a guy with a big dick. do i look like a girl who take a small cock? Hell to the fuck no! my pussy only accepts big dicks. hell it would totally laugh at you small dicks. i bet if your quiet you can hear it now.

shhhhhh hear it?

HAAAAAHAAAAA! shrimp dick loser.

so then i totally went in on the guy who fucked me tonight and his big massive dick and to be honest his dick was only 9. in the world of big dicks its on the lower end. but to you shrimp dicks that must be the king kong of dicks. so ya this bratty domme phone sex tease was telling him all about how that big cock felt in my pussy which was AWESOME! total pussy spreading and stretching really to get him in. the more i talked to this dude it was like he is a shrimp dick cuckold. but you know what i am gonna save why i know for another day. cause i can!

plus the  phone is ringing. wonder how much my sides are gonna hurt with this loser.

bratty domme phone sex with BREE!

bratty domme phone sex

Blasphemous Phone Sex

blashpemous phone sex
I am one of the reasons men go to confession.
Perhaps I should really back up. For starting at the beginning is always best. One of the main reasons I go to church on Sundays is to let married men’s minds to wander. I always dress to entice.

A tight pencil skirt to show off my sexy ass. A sheer blouse to flaunt my lacy bra. Yes I know I am in church but really people are far too serious in there anyways. The men all stare the moment I walk into that stuffy old place. Each one eager to have me sit in their pew. Each woman praying I will just keep on walking out the backdoor. Really ladies I know your just jealous your men are staring at me.

The house of the lord really is no place to be thinking such impure thoughts but it really is the place to create them isnt it? Lets face it your priest, minister, or what ever is happy I walked in for the confessions are about to be ramped up. So enjoy me sitting there. Let your mind run wild with the taboo fantasies. Let that bible hid your growing hardon in your pants. Oh if God only knew the blasphemous phone sex things you were using those religious articles for now ~ Bad Boy!

Yes another thing to add to your confession.

Course why just think it when you could act upon those blasphemous phone sex ideas!

Come find your new temptation ~ Roxy

blasphemous phone sex

Caught Brother Masturbating

I was thinking of the other day how my room growing up was always next door to my brothers. We always shared a common wall usually my headboard would be on the same wall type thing. So there were times in the middle of the night when everyone was sleeping and I was awake I would hear my brother moaning. Not sleep moaning but you know doing sex moans. Ok I didn’t know they were sexual moans till much later but I would always be curious as to what was going on.
brother sister phone sex
So one night, I got out of bed and went down the hall to my brothers door. Just my luck the door was open a crack so I could look in. His lap beside his bed was on and he was looking at some magazine. The covers were over him but I could tell his hand was over his cock. But it was the fact the covers were bouncing up and down that had me giggling. Like we are talking hand moving very fast. The faster his hand moved the more he moaned.

I wished the blanket wasnt there cause I really would of liked to of watch my brother stroke his cock. I think watching that would only make me more excited.

Other than watching some late night soft porn this was the closest I had ever been to someone masturbating and it was extremely exciting especially it being my brother.

If I have to make a bit of a confession I love brother sister phone sex roleplays cause it sort of lets me think of what it would be like if I could of actually sucked my brothers cock. Rather than just stood at the door and watch him masturbate.

Do you have any family fun fantasies? Something you saw that you wish you had acted on. We can definitely come up with a hot incest phone sex roleplay that will have your cock rock hard.


brother sister phone sex

Forced Sex Fantasy

Driving down the dark alley.

Your looking for something special.

You know what it is.

Or at least you will when you see it.

That girl standing on the corner by herself. Looking like she is waiting for a ride. That is when your sick phone sex fetishes come alive. For you have found it. The one. She wont suspect you. You drive up offering her a ride. Coming up with a thousand excuses as to why she shouldnt be on the corner. None of which has her being fearful of you.

You know once you get her in the car your extreme phone sex fantasy can being. The one that has had your cock rock hard for weeks. Thinking of fucking her and if she resists that is what makes your dick start to drip. For you want to force your dick into her.

Your mind is running wild with your rape phone sex fantasy that you forget to even ask her name, Tawny. Which only makes you smile more for that just sound so sweet.

force phone sex fantasy

Tawny is waiting for you

and just ask for any of the nasty phone girls by name.