Phone Sex Tease: Sniff my Panties

My boyfriends often find out just how much of a phone sex tease I am. Not that I can really help it. For its just one of those things that come to me so naturally. But I was sitting here in my panties and realized that if these panties could talk they would have quite a few nasty stories.

phone sex tease

There was this time that my boyfriend had taken me to this great dinner with his family. Which was all well and good. But I always like teasing and making my boyfriend squirm. Sure you know where this is going.

I had got up and went to the bathroom at one point during dinner. Only to come back to the table. Sliding my hand into his lap and handing him my panties. The look on his face as he had my warm panties that were wet too. For while I was in the bathroom I had masturbated a little bit to get them wet with my pussy juice.

He slid those panties into his pocket but not before rubbing his fingers over the wet spot. Then bring those fingers up to his nose for a little teasing sniff. Pretty sure he would of done anything to sniff those panties.

But what made it so great was knowing I was teasing his ass right in front of his parents. Yes I reached over and had a little feel of his cock. Ya he tried really hard for him to hold a conversation with his parents with my hand right there.


swtcourtney4fun AIM:YIM

Twitter: CourtneyBlack

phone sex tease

MILF Phone Sex: Fuck Your Mommy

Being an older woman there are generally a number of fantasies that come to a men’s mind when they see me, such as MILF phone sex. Now dont take that as a complaint, I enjoy indulging in role plays of an older nature. Now this is just what Bobby had on his mind when he landed on my picture, for I reminded him of his mother.

milf phone sex

Yes grabs your attention doesnt it. Seeing my long blonde hair, big breast and long legs, took Bobby right back to when he was living at home. He was a walking hard on around that time, any chance he got he was lurking around corners hoping to catch a glimpse of his Mom semi nude or better yet naked.

His fantasy was to walk in on his mommy while she was getting dressed for a dinner out. For her to be wandering around her room in stockings, black panties and lacy black demi bra. The stuff young men’s sex dreams are made of really. For him to sit on the bed watching her wandering back and forth grabbing clothes or brushing her hair. Just getting herself ready. Just a casual conversation going on between the two of them. Anything that would have him staying in that room longer. To get a mental picture in which to stroke his cock off later.

Now being who I am that seemed rather tame. Why would you only have a fantasy about watching your mother wander around semi naked. Sure that is arousing at the best of times and I am not judging his fantasy in the slightest but being its phone sex and your wildest fantasies do come true. I got the impression he was holding back on me. Perhaps he thought I couldnt handle his real sexual fantasy.

Trust me baby, I can.

With a bit of poking. Bobby soon told me about how that fantasy really ended. Which was his mother noticed him stroking his cock with his hand in his pocket. Course like any loving mother she just let her son leave that room in that aroused state. I mean I wouldnt. So that is when she comes over to get on her knees to undo those pants, releasing his erection.

Suppose I could give you all the dirty details of what Bobby did with his Mother but why expose all his taboo secrets. How about you and I indulge in a fuck your mommy role play. I know this kinky MILF is up for it.


milf phone sex

and just ask for any of the nasty phone girls by name.

Glory Hole Phone Sex: Guzzle Cum For Bree

Hey cum guzzlers! Ya its Bree the princess of the glory hole phone sex fucks. ya you can ask how the hell i got that name. think its pretty obvious really. i love sending dudes to adult stores and bathhouses to suck cocks. some are dudes that have never sucked them and are all oh i am i curious about dick bull shit. like how can you sit there and wonder about sucking dick?

glory hole phone sex

really. ya just need to go out and do that shit. its like denying yourself chocolate and then ya totally pig out. wait deny yourself some dick cause then when you call me and i tell you to go down to the glory hole you will be gulping down a shit load of cock total binging on that thick, cum loaded dick. yes lets go with that!

dont be all omg bree that is so nasty. fuck that shit. i am only telling you what ya need to hear. you are already sitting there jerking off to porn. sure you say your watching some chick suck a cock and get a face full of cum but lets face it as a wanna be cock sucker you are looking at her as a fucking instructor. you want to guzzle back that jizz cannon yourself. maybe pick up a few tricks along the way. ya thats what your doing.

then ya pick up the phone and give me a call. hoping and praying my bratty princess self will force your bisexual curious self down to the glory holes so you can suck them raging hard ons slamming through a wall straight into your mouth.

fuck ya bring that shit to the phone bitch!


glory hole phone sex

Bondage Phone Sex: Bind Devon’s Wrists

bondage phone sex

My wrists are not new to being bound. Anyone who has done a bondage  phone sex fantasy with me knows my love affair with being tied up. However, for those that happen to see me wondering down the street can figure out that I am a bondage loving girl simply by the leather wrap bracelets adorning my wrists. I started wearing the bracelets as a way to cover up the rope marks. For far too many people were asking what I had done and I am not ashamed by my kinks and fetishes but far too many people are too vanilla. The just dont understand how someone can want to be tied up. To willingly allow another person to take away their freedom.

I dont see it that way.

Being tied up and bound is well intense foreplay. Actually you could only do that and have my bald pussy so wet that just the lightest of touches near it will have me orgasm-ing let alone fucking me. I know I dont have to explain that to others who love bondage.

You understand the moment those bindings are around your wrists your skin is already tingling with excitement. Your cock is rising up rock hard or clit is ready to be touched. Perhaps that is why I wear my bracelets its not so much to hid the marks of my sexual bindings but more to keep myself in a constant state of arousal.

Something to think about now isnt it perhaps during a bondage phone sex call.

Just ask for the one and only sexual freak Devon Smith

bondage phone sex

Schoolgirl Phone Sex: Josie Gives Foot Job to Coach

Ya its Josie! You know the one you love to call with your schoolgirl phone sex fantasies. This one guy found out just how taboo I am willing to go by wanting to be my coach. He was coming into the locker room after volleyball practice, course I am in there still in my tshirt, shorts, socks and sneakers. Just about to take my dark hair out of my pony tail as I prepare to hit the  showers. Coach was going on and on about how my grades slipped. Sure I had a really good excuse this one teacher wouldnt give into my short skirts and being teased into better grades.

schoolgirl phone sex

Really what is a teen tease to do?

I mean that teacher is so unfair. Here I am about to lose my chance to play in the big tournament. Now wouldnt you know it as I am bitching about my mean teacher. Totally see the Coach with his hands in his old man khakis making his pockets just dance up and down. Like ok so I am a barely legal teen but I so know what he is doing.

Yes I know it should really bug me but you know what its all over the school that Coach is all hey if your doing bad in your grades and do a few things for me I will help you out bull shit. Like its either I do a few dirty deeds for him or face my parents. You do the math on which is better to make deals with. Ya just what I thought.

So with all the rumors going around you fucking bet all the girls on the volley ball team know what makes the Coach dick jump up. He loves our smelly feet. I shit you not! He will do anything for you to take your schoolgirl feet and rub them over his dick. You better believe I am slipping my sticky sock feet out of my sneakers and rubbing them up and down my bare legs.

The fucking dude is practically drooling with the foot tease going on. Coach cant wait to start in on  “I can help you out if you help me”. I play all innocent you know what ever do you mean. With a little toe wiggle. Yes I know I am so bad.

Before he can even say what he will do for me I am sitting down ready to slip these sweaty socks over his cock. Oh ya he knows I am eager. His cock is out of his pants and laying down on the floor before I have a chance to change my mind. Like that is going to happen. If he can help me pass this class I am so going to take it.

Few strokes of my cotton socks. He wants me to take them off so he can smell them.

Nasty dude!

I know your so hoping I keep going on with this story but really isnt it more important that you do a schoolgirl phone sex fantasy with me. Then you can become the Coach on the floor begging for me to take my socks off.

You know you do!


schoolgirl phone sex

Strapon Phone Sex

Well Christmas is getting closer and this MILF has been quite busy gearing up for the holidays. The endless time spent in the line ups has got my mind wandering to all sorts of wonderful things sexual. Such as the time I was waiting in the coffee line up for a few gift cards. This gentleman in front of me had this odd stance. That sort of look like his anal virginity was taken. Perhaps it was more the fact he had a number of begs between his legs but it gave me the impression that he had engaged in some strap on sex.

strapon phone sex

I let myself envision him coming home to see me dressed in my favorite corset, lace demi bra, garter belt and black thigh high stockings all in black for I think that gives the impression of pure dominance in the bedroom. While I am sitting on the bed slightly leaning back on one hand. The other hand stroking this beautiful 9 inch red strap on. The look on his eyes as he sees my latest purchase.

Just telling him that I am about to fuck his ass and claim his anal virginity. That he was going to be my bend over boyfriend and there was nothing he could do about it. Getting up to stand by him, slapping his ass telling him to strip.

As he walks over to the bed he feels my strap on cock pushing him along. I have been waiting to fuck him since the moment I saw this bad boy hanging on the wall at the sex shop. Actually it was more like I was on the hunt for a nice strap on since I had watched a few porn clips online. Either way his ass was about to be claimed by this wonderful cock. My cock.

I pushed him down on the bed. My feet pushing his legs open. His ass checks spread open showing that brown eye already puckering. It was like it was excited for this. Was waiting for this all along.

Lubing up my cock I was more than ready to dive this dick into his ass.

One long thrust and I was in.

His long loud moan told me he wanted it too.

I know you will want to feel my strap on as well. Good news I am around for some strapon phone sex fun. Give me a call.

Just ask for Jillian.

strapon phone sex

Phone Sex Role Play: Seducing the Younger Grocery Clerk

Hello Sweethearts! Being a housewife I have to add excitement in my day. Sure I talk about spreading my legs for every tom dick and harry and really I wish my day could be that eventful but really part of my day is going around looking for new cock. You dont just have it land in your lap. Well not all the time anyways.

Lately, I have opted to drive around to different grocery stores to look for new grocery clerks and bag boys to tease. Since the store I usually go to hasnt hired any new ones lately and I am simply bored.

Luckily for me I live in an area where I can drive 30 mins and hit. Well actually I never did count them but quite a few. That is a lot of men to tease. So I will put on my short skirt and a silky blouse that will show off my nipples especially with the air conditioning on right now. My heels and off I go.

phone sex role play

My husband is so naive he has no clue why I head out dressed up. I highly doubt he would clue in what I was up to even if he did come with me. And yes I have flirted with men in the grocery store in front of him and he is non the wiser.

I will march into the store looking all sexified and away I go on the hunt. Looking for dick to tease with my long legs and big tits. I never have to look too long for they always seem to come out of hiding rather quickly.

Asking if I need help. Course its not till I get to the bag boy that I actually want help. I want them alone at my car where I can unbutton a few buttons complain about the heat. Feeling their eyes on me and knowing their cock is getting harder by the moment.

Dont go thinking I am going to fuck them in the SUV. Though its not beneath me. I have sucked them off in there before but I am all about teasing them and making them remember me. So that the next time I come in there they are stumbling and tripping over their feet to come bag my groceries.

Course that being said I would love a seducing the grocery clerk phone sex role play. Who is up for it with me.


phone sex role play

Cum Eating Phone Sex: Guided To Eat Jizz

What is it about cum that makes men so fascinated by it? Really most the men I talk to are generally playing with their precum when they start talking to me. In some cases its the first thing out of their mouth when I ask them what they are doing. Course that isnt what gets me smiling its the guys who are describing what they are doing as they lick it off their fingers. Those are the ones you know are going to be doing a cum eating phone sex call.

cum eating phone sex

Now before you jump all over me going Savannah that isnt all guys. Some cum eaters are so blatantly obvious about their cum eating ways. Those guys need to be coaxed a bit and helped along. Given a little extra encouragement. Or force into becoming a cum eater.
Lucky for you I am that girl who will help you over come your barriers when it comes to guzzling up that jizz.
Yes I am well aware that most men are eager to eat their cum when they are horny and well sort of lose that desire the minute that white goo is on their belly. Sure you have tried to time and time again to eat up that ball batter but still unable too. The thought of it gets your dick rock hard and you stroking madly but thats it. So really you need my help bad. My soft sensual voice can give you that extra boost to eat up that cum. Mind you I have some erotic hypnosis in my back pocket that will have you loosing your inhibitions quite easily. Before you know it you will be a cum eating whore. Not a drop to waste.
Sure that is what gets you even more excited that last thought right there. So come spend some time with me. Remember when booking an erotic hypnosis call be it for a cum eating phone sex session or anything else 30 minutes is the minimum required time.

Just ask for Savannah

AIM:YIM hypnoticfetish

Twitter: HypnoPhoneSex

cum eating phone sex

Vore Phone Sex

One of the joys of autumn is being able to curl up with soup and stews. Now before you start thinking your favorite nasty phone whore is going all Betty Crocker on you put the breaks on that thought. For I shall never be the one standing in the kitchen in a pink apron with the pearls and fishnets on. Well not in the traditional sense. I will however be standing in that kitchen in my gothic attire cooking up the latest soup from my wick cookbook.

vore phone sex

Each recipe from my book will be the ultimate in home cooking for it will take hours if not days to prepare a meal. The key ingredients for the meals wont even be able to find in any grocery store. Well You might be able to find it there but you wont be able to buy it there. More like stalk it till you find the right place to snatch it. For this is a cook book all set for those with a fetish for things around vore. Perhaps you will be the key ingredient for my perfect Autumn Beef Stew.
Where I have been watching you at the park walking attempting to lose those pounds you gained from your desk job. Most girl might not pay attention to you but I think your perfect. Your portly figure will be just what I need. I dont want those muscle heads they will only make my dish extra chewy. But you. I know you have been cheating on your diet far too many times. Every time I watched you, I just kept going though my cookbook in my mind. What recipes will you be perfect for.
Every thought has my mouth watering.
I cant wait to seduce you and tempt you to my house only so I can create my feast.
Sure it will be easy enough. How many times are you hit on? Doubt its very many.
Now I could keep going but if your like me your mind is swirling at the possibilities of being my meat. So give me a call for some vore phone sex.

Devon Smith

aim:yim devonizwicked

vore phone sex

Cum Eating Tips from a Bratty Princess

hey its Bree your favorite brat to call for some cum eating phone sex! well really you cum slurpers need someone to talk to cause it aint like your sitting around the weekly poker game sharing your deep, dark desires to suck back a sticky load of nut batter. who knows maybe you do in which case where the fuck are you playing poker the back of the glory house with other fucking cum guzzlers?

cum eating phone sex

cause most the guys i know who call me are like no one knows my taboo secret to want to eat cum. some of them are even like you know i would totally suck back some other guys cum too? ya shock horror. never heard that either. your blowing my bratty mind. insert massive eye roll.

dude your not shocking me cause like your in a line of of secret dick suckers in the search of becoming a cum eater.  ya i got some wild fucking tips for you to slurp back that cum fresh from the source. oh and if your one of those i am not quite ready to suck back a cock but the idea of eating strangers cum is hot dont worry i got tips for that too. like i say i am like the cum eater whisper. hahah!

any ways i am around tonight so call my bratty ass.

bree for some cum eating phone sex fantasies.

cum eating phone sex