My boyfriends often find out just how much of a phone sex tease I am. Not that I can really help it. For its just one of those things that come to me so naturally. But I was sitting here in my panties and realized that if these panties could talk they would have quite a few nasty stories.
There was this time that my boyfriend had taken me to this great dinner with his family. Which was all well and good. But I always like teasing and making my boyfriend squirm. Sure you know where this is going.
I had got up and went to the bathroom at one point during dinner. Only to come back to the table. Sliding my hand into his lap and handing him my panties. The look on his face as he had my warm panties that were wet too. For while I was in the bathroom I had masturbated a little bit to get them wet with my pussy juice.
He slid those panties into his pocket but not before rubbing his fingers over the wet spot. Then bring those fingers up to his nose for a little teasing sniff. Pretty sure he would of done anything to sniff those panties.
But what made it so great was knowing I was teasing his ass right in front of his parents. Yes I reached over and had a little feel of his cock. Ya he tried really hard for him to hold a conversation with his parents with my hand right there.
swtcourtney4fun AIM:YIM
Twitter: CourtneyBlack