When one thinks of things revolving around this special day then two girls do come to mind. Two special women who indulge in the magical greenery that will make April 20th that much more special. Perhaps they can be the little vixens that will help you with your threesome phone sex fantasies with a little intoxication on the side?
The special ladies that come to mind are Indica and Anastasia. One very much the vision of what you would find at say Berkley the free loving, open minded minx ready to share her stash and talk about all things organic. The other well that hot college coed who is eager to do all the things her parents prevented her from doing the wild child ready to break free.

Granted you might not pair them together in a threesome phone sex fantasy but isnt that what makes things so interesting when it comes to sexual fantasies. You can indulge in any role play imaginable. Perhaps taking your goodie goodie girlfriend, Anastasia, away for a weekend to some hippie bed and breakfast where you meet, Indica.

Indica is such a free spirit with her sexuality she notices right away how uptight your girlfriend is and that a little toke would help unwind her. That toke ends up to Indica wanting to open up Anastasia into other things like helping her with that first girl on girl orgasm.
You see where this goes right? Or least allow those 2 sexy women help you uncover a very unique threesome phone sex fantasy on this most magical of days.
Happy 4/20 everyone.
You can reach Indica and Anastasia by calling the number below.