I am not one that watches horror movies. My over active imagination sort of takes over and I end up with the worst nightmares from watching such movies. However, in saying that I do enjoy vampires type stuff movies/ tv shows/ books. Course I just watch them during the day haha.
Now as your pondering where I am going with this I will say that I never thought my infatuation with vampires would merge so well with phone sex. Its actually through a number of hypnosis callers that I was able to expand my ideas on vampires and include succubus fantasies. Oh and werewolf stuff too.
But its the succubus fantasies that I wanted to focus on for it feels like forever since I have done one. Perhaps its my lack of blogging that topic or just callers have gravitated to other fantasies but I so miss succubus role plays.
If your not familiar with a succubus its a demon or supernatural entity that will take female form (the male version is known as an incubus). Usually a succubus will appear in your dreams and seduce you with sex. Some have said repeated sexual dreams with a succubus will lead to a decline in your health.
Course that is the text book definition the joy of a succubus phone sex call is that you can create the narrative on how you want things to go. Many times a caller wishes his sexual demon to seduce him while he is awake and lure him into her grasp that will drain him of his very life energy. Something super sexy about that.
Often times a movie or book has inspired which direction the caller takes his succubus fantasy. Which makes things more interesting. Now keep in mind just cause you create the outline of what your desire for a phone sex call doesnt mean it will goes just as planned. For I will often get inspired as we talk and take things in my own direction. So never worry when you give me a guide line as its just a leap off point.
Just ask for Savannah when you call the number below.
Oh and those interested in an erotic hypnosis session please be aware that it does require a minimum of 30 mins and best if your in a comfortable space. Thanks.