Strapon Phone Sex Fantasy with Savannah

All dressed up and ready for a strapon phone sex fantasy?

Well my name is Savannah and I have my plastic cock right here beside me just waiting for that perfect sissy boy ass to violate. I know you went to all that wonderful effort to get ready and here I am just like a guy only wanting to put my dick in you.

strapon phone sex

Dont worry I do appreciate all the time it took you to get ready for me.

The extra attention you put into your makeup.

How you flipped through your outfits so you could find the right one that didnt scream anal slut. Even thought I know you been wanting a dick in your ass all day long been fantasizing about getting fucked for days. How your ass been puckering the whole time you sat there getting ready.

Oh and those panties you picked just perfect. I will make sure to rub my hands over them extra slow. So you can savor this ass pounding.

I will have to refrain myself there is just something about fucking a sissy with a long, thick strapon that gets me so excited that I can hardly hold back. Usually I have a need to just push my thick dick right deep into that waiting ass. We are talking balls deep.

But since you went to all that effort of looking so pretty for me, I think we will just have to make this fucking last a bit longer.

Are you ready for a strapon phone sex fucking with me?

I know I am.

Just ask for Savannah

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Strap On Phone Sex FemDom Shiva

So your dressed up like a pretty little bitch, I see. Now your mind is wandering from getting all pretty to actually feeling like a slutty bitch. Which means your on the hunt for a strong dominant woman like myself who will bend you over and fuck that sissy boy pussy.

Good news! You found the femdom of your dreams for your next strap on phone sex fantasy. Well I am the Mistress of your dreams only if you care to speak to someone who wont baby you or give too shits about you.

strap on phone sex femdom

For I am not about to compliment you on your shade of lipstick or how great you applied your eyeliner. I will compliment you on how tight your pussy is for me as my thick plastic dick is slipping pass that sphincter.

Your here to help amuse me.

So by all means pick out your sluttiest outfit for I do appreciate a sissy boy who puts in the effort on feminizing his so called masculine body. Just make sure I have super easy access to what I want. Your girlie pussy and that mouth. Did you think I wasnt gonna claim you from both ends?

Well I shall be for that is what a strap on phone sex whore will do.

Suck it.

Fuck it.

Then suck it again just to be a good bitch and clean off that dick!

Dont worry you can find your new femdom strap on phone sex mistress available for calls most nights. The number is below all you need to remember is to ask for Shiva.

Now off you go and get extra slutty for me.

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Bisexual Fantasies with Southern Coed Whitney

So glad that I am venturing off to college this year cause I am so over living at home with the strict rule of my parents. Time to explore all those things I was finding online. Well not that I am all super sugary sweetness cause I did have a boyfriend and we messed around some. But I mean now is the time to experiment with my bisexual fantasies.

bisexual fantasies

Ya this barely legal phone sex teen has some wild ideas about wanting to dive in between a girls legs and eat some pussy.

Hey maybe you wanna give me a call and we can talk about what it would be like for this bisexual virgin to eat pussy for the first time. I mean who doesnt love sharing stories and getting some helpful hints on  what will drive a woman wild in bed.

You know what I really want to do with a woman? Fuck her with a strap on. Course I know from some stuff I have watched that those attachable dicks are not just for women that men love a good ass fucking too.

Do you have bisexual fantasies?

Ohh maybe we could do a strap on phone sex call together and I could pop your cherry while you pop mine? Gotta say that I am starting to get excited at the possibilities of what we could do together. Something dirty and taboo of course.

My name is Whitney and let me become your new favorite barely legal phone sex teen dream. If you love Southern girls with sweet accents then you really will wanna call me 😉

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Strap on Phone Sex – MILF Fucks Hubby

Today I had a strapon phone sex call that took me back to the first time I claimed my husband’s anal virginity. Now out of the two of us it will come as no surprise that I have always been the more kinkier of the two of us. A touch more open minded when it comes to trying new things in the bedroom.

Yes I know your wondering how we attracted each other and to be honest at this point I am not sure other than he had a good job and a nice car. What can I say the wallet lured me in.

strapon phone sex milf

Anyways I assumed our bedroom activities would always been more towards the vanilla side. Perhaps bringing in the odd vibrator for my personal pleasure but even that was a bit of a stretch and hit to his personal male ego. So you would understand my pure surprise when I found a femdom sex magazine devoted to strapon play under my mattress one day. It was a few years into our marriage so I was both shocked and excited by the discovery. I flipped through those sticky pages wondering which delightfully fetishy image got my husband jerking off.

He had never mention anal play in our sexual conversations in the past so to find such a thing really was extreme for him. I took this as a wonderful time to branch out and bring in some kinky things to our bedroom play.

So I ran out to buy a strapon nothing super extreme I mean didnt want to scare the poor guy. Something in the 7 inch dildo range with a nice leather harness that would enhance my hips and ass. With my 5’9 frame that 7″ cock really did look unassuming and rather cute if you could call it that.

I tucked my strapon in the back of the closet waiting for the perfect time to bring it out. Now we have always been ones to watch porn as a bit of foreplay fun so I often would pick out some bdsm related things after the magazine discovery. Finding some unassuming fun strapon scenes to watch. Looking at how he reacted to my new found selections.

After watching those for a good month or so, it was time to break out my strapon for the real thing. I got my husband to close his eyes telling him I had something special for us to try. Disappeared I slipped into that leather harness and stood at the foot of the bed in all my sexy nakedness. When his eyes open they instantly fell upon my 7″ strapon.

Thinking he would be spooked far from it his cock sprang a live. There was not covering his excitement. I mean sure he tried too with the sheet but nothing was hiding the fact his cock was rock hard and he was ready for his wife to fuck his ass.

Honestly, this is the stuff strapon phone sex calls are made of I realize for no one would  believe that my husband wanted to have his anal cherry popped but he did. As I stood at the foot of the bed rubbing my cock with lube asking if he had a position he wanted to get fucked in. All my man could do was shake his head. No words literally came from his mouth.

Well lucky for him I had thought nothing more of how I would enter his rear end with my plastic cock. Fantasized of it for months. He was about to be my bend over bitch and I was gonna savor this moment.

Sure you would like to know exactly how I fucked my husbands ass but I think its best you call me for your own strapon phone sex fantasy. I mean why read about someone elses when you can experience it for yourself.

Just ask for Porscha when you call.

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Bondage Phone Sex Role Play with Whisper

You know when you get in one of those moods where your just rather unsure where you wish to take things? Sure a dominant scenario would be fun but so could a submissive one. I mean granted I am more into being the domme in most situations but you get the idea. Today I am wanting a bit more of a kinky phone sex role play.

bondage phone sex role play tranny

A fantasy that has one of us bound and possibly gagged for good measure. Now dont worry I know what your thinking how are we gonna decide who gets to be shackled down?

Well I say we let our dicks decide. The one with the bigger cock wins and gets to be the more dominant one. Oh sure its not fair but really honey did you think I would let you win?

See my bondage phone sex role play has you calling for an escort. Asking for someone specialized in things of the fetish variety and well strap on play being a key component of what you seek. You have no idea when you book me that my strap on skills are far more realistic than any other girl out there.

We meet in some dank motel room as you want to add to the whole call girl mystic. Sure honey where ever you want to meet. My leather handbag weighing heavy on my shoulder when I enter. Give you a quick kiss and a push on to the bed. Enough of the formalities. Time is money and your ass is mine.

Having you strip naked and lay back on the bed. I drop my bag on the sticky night stand with a thud. Begin pulling out various handcuffs and leather bindings to find just the right set that will work with what is most likely a cum soaked bed.

Finding the metal cuffs will work just perfectly, I straddle over your chest and begin to bind you to the frame of the wobbly headboard. Bet there are a thousand tales to this bed.

You of course struggle but I can feel your erection poking me in the ass. Oh honey your not the one going to be doing the fucking. I shall be!

Once I have you good and bound that is when I stand up and start to slowly strip. Watching you fidget and fuss wishing you could reach your throbbing hardon.

Rather sucks to be you currently.

Wonder how well you will do when you find out my dirty secret. That my “strap on dick” isnt in my handbag but already in my panties?

Yes I am going to leave you there just aching for a call with myself Whisper the hottest transsexual on the net. Lets see how this bondage phone sex role play unfolds.

bondage phone sex role play

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Sissy Phone Sex Boy Confessions with Arianna

So sissy phone sex boy how is your girlie voice?

Have you been off practicing it? Sitting in rush hour working on that feminine voice that will match your alter sissy ego. Hmm what is her name? Jessica Carmen? Jennifer? Barbie?

sissy phone sex boy

Its always interesting what names you boys come up with for your pretty girlie side. I have to admit over the years of doing sissy boy phone sex calls I have wondered about the process that goes in before your call. Like do you dabble in the lingerie and consider yourself a guy with a fetish for women’s lingerie? Or do you honestly know your a sissy bitch the moment those silky nylons slip over your feet?

Does your name come to you while your applying your lipstick? That first pucker of your lips as your kissing the air make you think oooo I feel like a Kylie. Or does your name come from someone you knew at school. The slut of the high school that girl you admired for sucking so many dick. Your girlie side surely desires to be just like her.

See so many questions for you sissy boys. I know we could focus on the clothes and the make up and all things pretty and girlie but really wouldnt it be fun to focus on the how’s an why’s?

How did you come to that dressing style? Why that name? Where did you learn your make up techniques?

Ok so some of them are not quite how’s and why’s but you know what I mean. Dont you long for a gossip session where you just let all your secrets out. Why you became a sissy boy is the question I would like to know.

So when your in the mood to divulge those inner most secrets give me a call. I know I cant wait to hear them. Then after the sexy question period I could fuck you with my strapon. A good sissy phone sex boy does deserve a treat.

Talk to you soon, Arianna.

sissy phone sex boy

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Pegging Phone Sex Fantasies with Shiva

Sure we can discuss your small appendage you call a cock but I have no clue as to why. For honestly, my time is rather valuable and talking about such trivial things is well pointless. We both know your not fucking me or any  women. Hell I wont waste my breath on small penis humiliation with you. What do I wanna talk about during our time together?

A real cock.


pegging phone sex

See why talk about something disappointing and worthless, when we can do a pegging phone sex session with me. My delightful 9 inch jelly like cock will penetrate your ass in ways you only dream about. For I know even your hand is bored with that pint size thing you call a cock and go wandering down to play with your ass for something different. Well the time has come to really know what different is. A Domina with a life like penetrator of a cock to pump that exit door.

Oh sure you can begin the whimpers of denial now. How you wont like to be fucked in such a manner but we both know anal pleasure is what your seeking. Strap-on fantasies clutter up your computer history folder. Ya you may wanna delete that before your friends find out what a nasty pervert you really are. Why deny the enviable that you are looking to be pegged.

My vivacious hips not only look sexy with a dick strapped to them but pack that extra bit of force when needed to hit that special spot. The spot that will have your tiny cock exploding in excitement over getting your ass pounded.

Now here is what you do call me Mistress Shiva for a pegging phone sex fantasy.

pegging fantasies

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Strapon Phone Sex Fantasies with Domina Shiva

strapon phone sex fantasy

Do I engage in strapon phone sex? I know they say there is no stupid questions but come on really? Your asking a Fetish Domme if she engages in the act of fucking a man in the ass with a dildo?

That seems like a basic bdsm act, I mean housewives will fuck their husbands as a way to spice up their bedroom lives and your asking ME. A Fetish Phone Sex Domina if I perform strapon phone sex fantasies.

Well actually the question revolved around if I had actually fucked a man in the ass with a strap on but still. Once I put my eyes back into their socket and my jaw was picked up off the floor my answer was a but of course. How else does one fuck a worthless man.

Really? Its not like I am going to let some sorry excuse of male anatomy attempt to fuck my perfect, powerful pussy. We all know your incapable of doing such things. The quiver in your voice already tells me you have no pussy experience.

Suppose that is why your in search of someone with some knowledge of strapon play. Find out what you can fantasy wise before bending over for real.

So might as well call a Domina, like myself just ask for Shiva when you reach the dispatcher.

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Ass Fucking Phone Sex Virgin

Dont tell me your ass is virginal. I mean come on after all the freaky shit that comes out of your mouth or rather the freaky shit that has more or less gone into your mouth. Then you flop out that I havent had anything in my ass. Ya thats all about to change once I bring the idea up in a taboo ass fucking phone sex call.

ass fucking phone sex

See the idea of me wearing a strap on is just the beginning for I have no problem hooking that leather harness on between my legs and feeling the weight of the rubber dick bounce over my pussy. In fact, I love it. I would even be willing to slap on a bigger one but I know your all nervous so I will simply go easy on you and only use my 8 inch dildo. Though in my mind this is only to introduce you to the idea of a sexy taboo phone vixen behind you.

Now sure I am not about to just slam this baby into your ass its about talking to you about your favorite kinky ideas that get you stroking that dick of yours. Like you sucking off another man. Ya you can see why I am shocked your ass is all virginal. I would of expected a man to of entered it after that freaky talk.

So warm you up with idea of your mouth wrapped around that nice big cum filled dick. Then that is when I will get between your legs. My plastic cock rubbing between your ass checks. That brown hole puckering with excitement. Your moans being muffled by that cock slapping the back of your throat. Yup that is when its happening. I will find the perfect moment to slip in. Nice and easy.

Letting you feel the fullness of cock in both ends.

See told you the idea of some strap on sex would be amazing.

Ready for your own ass fucking phone sex fantasy? Sure you are.

Just ask for Devon Smith

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Filthy Strap On Phone Sex

strap on phone sex

Arianna here! Now I love strap on phone sex calls as much as the next phone girl but being an extreme girl I think its time to take it to the dirty level. I know your wondering what exactly I could be talking about. Well you can thank my last caller really for he was pushing to make his time with me nastier and it had to involve ass fucking. His ass not mine. Not that I am apposed to it.

So letting my wander for a guy who is all NASTY! I ended up getting my sly grin that really can mean a whole lot of fun or well in this case a whole lot of trouble. As I had him laying on his back with my 9 inch cock shoved up his ass. The thought hit me when he was licking his lips.


I took that fabulous cock of mine out of his ass and climbed up on the straddling over his face and told him if he wants to be a good dirty boy he will suck his own ass juices off my rubber cock. Yes I did. You should of seen the look in his eyes. I swear he had that look of “she didnt just say that right?”

Oh yes I did. Lick your ass juices off my strap on.

I mean why not if you say your are into nasty filthy phone sex and want something extreme then really to me a strap on phone sex call isnt going to be it. You sucking my cock after its been in your ass now that will kick up the nasty factor in my eyes. And really it would be a fucking damn shame for you to back down now when it comes to a bit of fucking shit smeared on the end of a girls strap on right.

So go ahead and show me how extreme you wanted to get. LICK!

Oh he did more than just licked. He fucking inhaled my cock.

I knew he would for his raging cock poking me in the ass gave it away. I did love his hesitation though.

Think your up for a filthy strap on phone sex call?

I know I am after that one. Like to see how many more guys I can get to eat their own shit off my plastic dick.


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