Today I had a strapon phone sex call that took me back to the first time I claimed my husband’s anal virginity. Now out of the two of us it will come as no surprise that I have always been the more kinkier of the two of us. A touch more open minded when it comes to trying new things in the bedroom.
Yes I know your wondering how we attracted each other and to be honest at this point I am not sure other than he had a good job and a nice car. What can I say the wallet lured me in.

Anyways I assumed our bedroom activities would always been more towards the vanilla side. Perhaps bringing in the odd vibrator for my personal pleasure but even that was a bit of a stretch and hit to his personal male ego. So you would understand my pure surprise when I found a femdom sex magazine devoted to strapon play under my mattress one day. It was a few years into our marriage so I was both shocked and excited by the discovery. I flipped through those sticky pages wondering which delightfully fetishy image got my husband jerking off.
He had never mention anal play in our sexual conversations in the past so to find such a thing really was extreme for him. I took this as a wonderful time to branch out and bring in some kinky things to our bedroom play.
So I ran out to buy a strapon nothing super extreme I mean didnt want to scare the poor guy. Something in the 7 inch dildo range with a nice leather harness that would enhance my hips and ass. With my 5’9 frame that 7″ cock really did look unassuming and rather cute if you could call it that.
I tucked my strapon in the back of the closet waiting for the perfect time to bring it out. Now we have always been ones to watch porn as a bit of foreplay fun so I often would pick out some bdsm related things after the magazine discovery. Finding some unassuming fun strapon scenes to watch. Looking at how he reacted to my new found selections.
After watching those for a good month or so, it was time to break out my strapon for the real thing. I got my husband to close his eyes telling him I had something special for us to try. Disappeared I slipped into that leather harness and stood at the foot of the bed in all my sexy nakedness. When his eyes open they instantly fell upon my 7″ strapon.
Thinking he would be spooked far from it his cock sprang a live. There was not covering his excitement. I mean sure he tried too with the sheet but nothing was hiding the fact his cock was rock hard and he was ready for his wife to fuck his ass.
Honestly, this is the stuff strapon phone sex calls are made of I realize for no one would  believe that my husband wanted to have his anal cherry popped but he did. As I stood at the foot of the bed rubbing my cock with lube asking if he had a position he wanted to get fucked in. All my man could do was shake his head. No words literally came from his mouth.
Well lucky for him I had thought nothing more of how I would enter his rear end with my plastic cock. Fantasized of it for months. He was about to be my bend over bitch and I was gonna savor this moment.
Sure you would like to know exactly how I fucked my husbands ass but I think its best you call me for your own strapon phone sex fantasy. I mean why read about someone elses when you can experience it for yourself.
Just ask for Porscha when you call.
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