Do you find your eyes glancing down to look at a woman’s perfect heart-shaped ass? Sure you think to yourself but I have a fetish for asses its in my DNA I can’t help but stare. Oh, but you could if we women didn’t enhance the view. I mean I know you are weak. I know you can’t help yourself. You need to look. You would love it if you could worship my ass.
See as someone who does ass-worship phone sex calls I know how weak you really are. That your fetish for ass drives you to do things you wouldn’t normally do. Now is it your ass fetish that drives that desire or am I pushing you over that edge?
Interesting question right?
For I have a way of twisting your fetish and spinning you to your knees. Where all you can think about is my beautiful ass in skin-tight jeans. Wondering what I am wearing under those jeans. Could you be so lucky to see a thong peeking out the top of those jeans????
Oh, you might. Then your mind wanders to what would my flesh feel like against your lips. Oh that wasn’t supposed to be known, was it? But I know. I have always known how weak you are to kiss some perfect ass cheeks. Maybe I could get you to kiss more. Hmmm. I could couldn’t I?
I know this blog is spinning your mind around and around. Causing you to wonder what is up from down. All you know is that the idea of an ass-worship phone sex fantasy with me and my soft ass is becoming more clear.
You need to call.
Want to call.
Have to call.
So do it!
Call and let’s have some fun exploring how far I could push you and your ass worship phone sex fantasy.
Just ask for Arianna!