Hello Phone Sex Deviants. Has this ever happened to you where you buy the wrong toilet paper? Sounds rather like and odd question to bring up in a blog but those who are into bathroom fetishes and well scat phone sex topics are going to revel in what I have to say.

I had accompanied my friend to Costco, she happened to be doing some purchasing for a office party that she got put in charge of. To be honest I really thought she was taking me some where for lunch and boom we end up in this warehouse of consumer chaos. I have never been one to enjoy such places. Give me a quaint little market any day. The size of this place is insane!
The moment we stepped in and see the racks and racks of good piling over my head. I wanted to get out of there. Tried to tell her knew of this little store down town that would set her up with food but she said she was on the thinnest budget ever. Got to love office budgets.
So against my better judgement we went in. I truly do not belong in there wearing my black platform mary jane shoes, black fishnet stockings, short sleeve blood red dress with the random silver zipper adornments and the fishnet knit sweater. Top it off my strawberry blond hair is currently sporting the “I just got fucked and couldnt be bothered to find a brush” look.
You know this phone slut got a few looks. Mostly from the Stepford wive’s with their cookie cutter bleach blonde hair and LuLu Lemon Yoga gear. Fuck do they ever stare and pass judgement whole wearing their “I have never seen a yoga studio” pants.
Up and down these aisle we went pushing the biggest cart I have ever seen. Sure there are some insane deals I will give here but I was not going to cave to consumerism. Must support the small business. That is what I have always been about. That is till we hit the toilet paper aisle. Fuck my mind was trapped on the need for 30 ass rolls. I mean who needs that kind of toilet paper?
Well when you have a girlfriend in your ear going oh its a good deal Devon go for it. I mean ugh. I caved. I conformed I bought a pack of 30. Totally hanging my head in shame right now over that. It wasnt bad enough that I bought it but that the stupid toilet paper isnt the right thickness. So here is where the bathroom fetish and scat phone sex guys will come in.
I am sitting on the toilet looking at the umpteen rolls and dove into the first one. Its not covering my hand properly. Its not the right thickness. Go to whip my ass. Yes you guess it. Fucking shit all over my hand cause my finger poked through and was basically finger fucking my shitty ass.
This is what I get for breaking my support the little business. So I am going around with shit, scat, poo fucking embedded in my finger nails. What is worst is that I have 30 rolls in which to use. Yes I could get rid of them to the needy but really I feel that I have to punish myself for cracking. To giving into the pressure.
That and well it is rather hot to be looking at my shit stained fingers while on a scat phone sex call. The aroma is extra intoxicating when on a call.
Devon Smith your scat phone sex whore.
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