Oh yes aren’t you such a good boy!
Sucking back on that fake cock like your a porn star.
Seriously your not impressing me any. In fact if I have to listen to you make yourself gag on what is most likely some 4 inch wee willy I will stab my own ear drum out. And what is up with all that spit and saliva slurping bull shit?
Drooling over that sex toy does not make you a grade A cock sucker.
It actually makes you a pathetic excuse for a phone sex cock sucker.
Tossing this out there why must all you pretend fag boys slurp and gag on your own saliva? Did you read it some where? Cause this phone sex Domina is beyond over hearing that bull shit. Swear the last guy who was choking back on a dildo made me feel like I needed a paper towel for all the spit running down my neck. Ugh. Just thinking of it is sending me into convulsions of disgust. Probably getting some ear infection as we speak.
Want to impress me?
Go out and find a real fucking cock to play tonsil hockey with. Yes. Actually have a throbbing cum dripping cock slip past your lips and drive itself down your throat. Now that would be entertaining for this phone Domina.
Enough of you wanna be phone sex cock suckers gagging on what I can only assume is air. Go find a glory hole. You know where you will have no option but to deep throat that cock and if you don’t then you will feel deep and utter embarrassment over. For he will see your shoes and know it was you who was already gagging on his cock before it made it to the middle of your mouth.
Granted he might get an ego trip out of thinking his cock was far to big for you and that he is some amazing monster cock. When in reality it was a poor phone sex cock sucker who just didn’t know how to suck a dick properly cause he has been buying small dildos and practicing in his living room late at night.
You don’t wanna be THAT guy do you?
I think not!
So best you either buy some bigger dildos are you get your worthless ass down to the glory hole and get some big cocks slapping the back of your throat. No time like the present. Oh and when your done being one massive glory hole slut, then give me a call. For its only fair you give me an update on how things went.
Goddess Shiva