So a few weeks ago I was chatting with a guy on the phone. Well this old guy. Like super old. Grandpa old actually. But he was asking me all about my first sex toy. Which if you would believe was a 3 inch dildo!
I know how small is that right? And why would I get something so small. Ordered it off line and I really had no idea how big 3″ was. I am Canadian so metric or is it imperial measurements are lost on me. But anyways Grandpa ask if I got off on that small of a plastic dick. Hee hee. Actually made me blush when he asked me cause it was like my grandpa wanting to talk about the birds and the bees. I kept giggling and giggling. Which made him make some really funny grunts. Which made me laugh even MORE!
It wasnt like I really got off on it cause well it was only 3 inches but I am super tiny, only 5 feet tall so it kind of felt good but not like omg omg omg i am gonna cum good. Just ooo that feels neat! Hmmm maybe good. Oh wait I moved now I am not sure any more.
Now that I have a bit more sexual experiences aka big dicks I know what really feels good in my pussy and that 3 inch dildo isnt used any more. Well I hold it up for a good laugh! To think that I use to put THAT in my puffy pink pussy! Hee hee. Thats funny!
Like I am pretty sure it was only made to be a gag gift and no one was really suppose to fuck themselves with it but I didnt know any better. Now I do and my sex toys are much bigger. 🙂
The best part is I know how tiny you guys are when you say its a 3 inch dick. hee hee. Like I have held one in my hand. Not a real one but a pretend dick which is bad enough. So when I humiliate your small penis I am laughing for real. Its a full on belly laugh from my cute wiggly little toes.
I am ready to laugh now! Call me DANI for some small penis humiliation phone sex!!!!!!!!