Panty Sniffing Phone Sex Tease Devon

Fellow Deviants Hello. Perhaps those with fetish for panty sniffing have enjoyed my last few blogs where I talk about my ex boyfriend. And I know a few of you had your interest piqued when I mentioned a panty sniffing teasing game that I enjoyed doing with him. So rather that leaving you in suspense I thought I would reveal a bit of the teasing game.

panty sniffing phone sex tease

As I have mentioned my ex loved when I wore panties for more than one day. It would make his cock ache all day long knowing I was walking around with dirty panties rubbing against my pussy. If my pussy was hairy he was even more ecstatic. Something about looking and seeing pubic hair in the panties he was sniffing. Not sure what that was but for him it had him over the top.

Well basically when I would get home he would be allowed to sniff my panties. Some times I would keep wearing them and some times I would take them off and let him hold on to those ripe smelling panties. Mostly it depended on how long I had been wearing them and how badly he wanted those panties.

For sometimes I knew if I gave him those panties he wouldn’t always be in the mood to follow orders so I would have to hold his attention with wearing them. I knew if those panties were on my ass he would do anything for me to slide them off like stroking to my commands.

But he knew one thing if he reached an orgasm I would be wearing new panties in the morning. So It was all about denying that orgasm. Which could end up being on very long orgasm denial session when you think about it. The longer he prolonged that orgasm the longer I would wear those dirty panties.

Yes there were some times I would tease him the night before and in the morning have a long hot shower and wash my entire body only to put on fresh panties. Those showers were an instant orgasm destroyer you could almost hear that cartoon disappointment song as you watched his hard cock go flaccid. The look on his face was like I had castrated him or something. I did rather enjoy it for it meant we got to start the game going all over again.
Call to talk to Devon Smith
Check out my other blog about me being a horrible panty tease to my boyfriend: Tease by Dirty Panties

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Teased By My Dirty Panties

Fellow Phone Sex Deviants Hello. In a previous dirty panties phone sex blog I was telling about my ex boyfriend who loved to sniff my dirty panties. In the morning when I was getting ready he would be begging me to put on my dirty panties from the day before. That is if I wasnt wearing them while I slept.

One time I can think of most vividly where he was begging me to wear my panties for a 3rd day. He was sniffing that cotton gusset and pussy heaven. His eyes closed as he inhaled the succulent scent.

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I would stand there debating if I should shower or let the previous day pussy scent meld into my dirty panties or to wash myself. My boyfriend would be begging me to not wash and put on my dirty panties. His begging becoming more like cries. Not sure if they were cries of pain and frustration or excitement. For he always seemed to be kneeling close to the bed and looked to be close to dry humping the mattress at that point.

Often wonder what our neighbors thought of our early morning panty tease session. For he could get quite loud in his whimpers. Would probably say 75% of the time I would come out of the bathroom unbathed and grabbing those panties to put on for another day of wear. Only because I knew he would be rock hard all day long thinking of my unwashed pussy rubbing against those dirty panties again.

It was the orgasm denial at the end that was the most exciting. For after we where together awhile I created a little panty sniffing teasing game for him. Which I shall share another time.


Dirty Panty Wearing Phone Tease Devon Smith


Check out my previous blog about my boyfriend: Beg Me to Wear My Panties

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Panty Sniffing Fetish: Beg Me To Wear Dirty Panties

Fellow Panty Sniffing Deviants Hello. Was out for a drive the other day and well ended up back in some old haunts. Mainly this area of town that I haven’t been in for a good year or more. The old stores that I would go into and find neat little deals and fabulous food finds. Or the restaurants and pubs I would sit with friends and chat about crazy shit.

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The memories that came back most vividly were time with my boyfriend. For we had an apartment over a little store. The crazy smells that would rise up into our place from that shop as the Momma would cook. That place is probably what started my fascination with the extreme taboo fetishes. Well that and my boyfriend.

See he was a bit older than me and was completely tapped into his fetish side. There wasn’t anything sexually deviant wise he wouldn’t do. One of his favorites was wearing my panties. Not the clean ones from the dresser. The dirty ones from the laundry hamper. He would beg me to wear panties for days on end so they would have that pussy scent deeply entwined in that cotton gusset.

Every morning I would get ready for work and he would be holding my panties from the night before begging me to wear them one more day. With his puppy dog face in full gear. I think if I told him to get on his knees and ask me to wear those panties another day he would.

I would often walk by him and head to my dresser. The look of horror as I would flip through my panties. Grabbing different styles of panties but knowing those full back cotton panties in his hand that were really getting his cock hard. Every time he waved them by his face getting that waft of pussy aroma.

Course I shall be continuing this another time…..

Just ask for Devon aka Ms Panty Sniffing Teaser

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Dirty Panty Phone Sex Tease

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Just cause I am a dirty taboo fetish babe doenst mean I dont understand how to tease a cock. In fact I believe I know how to tease it in the most unique of fashions.

For really tease and denial happens in all forms, wouldnt you agree?

Like the other day, I was on the phone with someone looking for a girl who indulged in taboo things when it came to his panty fetish and asked me what I had done with my panties to tease a man. Well did he ever call the right girl. For I am not one to flash my pretty panties and be all oh here you go let that be enough to tempt you in to wanting more. No of course not that wont do it it at all. Well not in my eyes at least. I want to take things to that naughty place.

Sure I will flash my panties but when it comes to me those panties wont be fresh. They are going to be ones that I have been wearing for a few days. Oh yes. Now you guys are getting the picture. I am going to be teasing you with my dirty panties. Ones that have my pussy scent woven in there and just reeking of that rich musky womanly aroma.

So when I do spread my legs open to flash my pussy juice stained panties your smelling it first. How else are you going to know to look down there? Me tell you? Come on that isnt a tease. That is me saying look, bitch. No that is where the pussy smell comes in you smell and then hope and pray you look quick enough to get a look.

Welcome to my version of tease and denial.

Told you it was going to be sick and twisted. Oh wait did I?

Well there is definitely more to the story and I will just have to save it till another time. Dont want you getting all excited before that dirty panty phone sex teasing call with yours truly.

Devon Smith

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Phone Sex Tease: Sniff my Panties

My boyfriends often find out just how much of a phone sex tease I am. Not that I can really help it. For its just one of those things that come to me so naturally. But I was sitting here in my panties and realized that if these panties could talk they would have quite a few nasty stories.

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There was this time that my boyfriend had taken me to this great dinner with his family. Which was all well and good. But I always like teasing and making my boyfriend squirm. Sure you know where this is going.

I had got up and went to the bathroom at one point during dinner. Only to come back to the table. Sliding my hand into his lap and handing him my panties. The look on his face as he had my warm panties that were wet too. For while I was in the bathroom I had masturbated a little bit to get them wet with my pussy juice.

He slid those panties into his pocket but not before rubbing his fingers over the wet spot. Then bring those fingers up to his nose for a little teasing sniff. Pretty sure he would of done anything to sniff those panties.

But what made it so great was knowing I was teasing his ass right in front of his parents. Yes I reached over and had a little feel of his cock. Ya he tried really hard for him to hold a conversation with his parents with my hand right there.


swtcourtney4fun AIM:YIM

Twitter: CourtneyBlack

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Panty Sniffing Phone Sex

Do fucking panty boys all work at laundromats? Well if you are one and dont work there then you might want to think about getting a part time job there. Seriously! The last few weeks I have had to venture down to the laundromat cause the ones in my apartment building are broken. Who the fuck do I have to suck to get the laundry room open again. So I have to venture down to this place down the street which is ok but ugh the guy behind the counter is a total panty sniffing freak. I know this cause if their is anything I have learned from being a phone sex girl its how to know a dude into sniffing panties.

panty sniffing phone sex

There I am unloading my wash and he is like hovering over me looking at the clothes I am putting in the wash. Dude you could at least say hi and not be a total creeper. Like come on. Sure he is pretending to whip down machines but really he is practically rubbing his dick up and down against the machine. GROSS!

Then all of a sudden he is gone. Like vanished. Really like right when I need change for the machine. So I have to go on a fucking hunt for him. Which is like yippee ya! So hunting him down and OH. MY. FUCKING. GAWD. Guess where I found the freak?

Behind the back curtain going through the loads of dirty laundry that everyone has dropped off for them to do. Ummm ok? The guy is pulling out panties sniffing them to find the ones that smell the dirtiest or what ever a panty sniffer goes for. His dick is out of his pants and in his hands. Like eewwww! That is just down right nasty. Oh you know this taboo girl is about to humiliate him like no question about that shit.

I mean I do have tons of experience humiliating during panty sniffing phone sex. Not like he is the first and really wont be the last. Cause there is a ton of you freaks out there.

Luckily I left with all my panties.


swtcourtney4fun aim:yim

Twitter: courtneyblack

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Panty Stealing Phone Sex

Now I am not the type of woman who will dry my clothes on a line during the spring and summer. I did grow up with my mom and well grandma doing such things. I was always so embarrassed to see my panties hanging out there on the line fluttering in the breeze for everyone to see. I would always beg that my panties not go on the line but of course it fell on deaf ears. They saw no embarrassment in it and thought I was over reacting at my young age.

panty stealing phone sex

I know what brought this memory up. It wasnt till I was visiting my mother and we were chatting as she was tossing clothes up on that trusted old line again that I started to think about all the panty boys that would be super excited to see so many panties dancing in the wind. How many of you would want to be climb up the pole at the end of the yard in hopes of being able to steal those clean panties. I mean they are just there teasing you and practically asking for you to take them arent they. You can only stare at them for so long before your dick is begging to feel those amazingly soft panties arent you.

Bet your hoping someone forgets their washing out on the line tonight so you can do a little covert panty stealing under the moon light. Well till that times come to put on your black panties for that secret mission you can always give me a call for some panty stealing phone sex. Nothing is really off limits from punishing you for wearing panties to panty stealing fantasies sure we can come up with something extra naughty that will get your panties in a bunch.


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