Taboo Phone Sex Brat Josie teases Teacher

taboo phone sex brat

So, like, this taboo phone sex brat is not the world’s best student, right? It’s cool. I can admit that. I am smart in other ways, but sitting and reading is just not for me.

One of the ways I *am* smart, though, is in finding what guys want and are willing to throw away their morals for. My teacher, in this case, loved the idea of opening his drawer to find some wet panties around an apple for him. He knew the first pair was from me, because it had my name and A plus written on them. When I came into class later, the apple had a big juicy bite on it.

And you know what? I still have not gotten a bad grade from him since that day!

The big surprise came later in the month, though. I stayed after hours cause there’s this librarian woman who gives great head….I guess all of the people here are perverts now that I think about it. Anyway, I walked by his room, looked in, and there he was, WEARING the panties I gave him that day. I quickly opened the door, walked in, closed it behind me, and said “hey, pretty panty boy.”

His head jerked around, and you could see he was freaked out. I laughed and pushed him on the desk. I told him not to say a word, and called him a bitch. Well, I might have called him my bitch. Doing taboo phone sex has taught me to be far more aggressive with boys like this. Oh, he will never be a man to me anymore, or respected. He will forever be a perverted little bitch boy that will give me what I like and what I want.

Now, I bring him panties less and less often because I know he’s already wearing a pair at all times. Just yesterday, I had him drive me and a date around while we did stuff in the back seat. I could tell whenever he was paying more attention to us than the road, so I would kick his seat and tell him to watch the road.

I might even have him start worshiping my feet during sissy phone sex calls with you bitches. Who knows? All I can say is my future in school is looking pretty nice.

Just as for Josie and I can be your naughty, taboo phone sex student.

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Stroking Your Penis with My Cum Filled Panties

stroking penis loser phone sex

I just caught my daddy stroking his little penis with my cum stained panties. Ya what a fucking sight but it so gets worst ya. While I stood there like trying not to fucking laugh he is like mumbling what a fucking penis stroking loser he is an cant get pussy. Hahaha like I was so fucking all over that.

I slipped off my panties that had a fresh load of jizz and walked into his bedroom. Hahah telling daddy he must give himself over to the power of the teen pussy. Shit ya daddy. Wanna sniff these sexy cum soaked panties?

You so know you do.

Say it daddy must give in to the power of the teen pussy. His small penis was like ooozing out precum and he was ready to hump a fucking pillow just to sniff those fresh cum filled panties that came off his sexy daughter’s teen ass.

I know your so wondering did daddy like give into the power of my teen pussy?

So daddy did you?

Did you become a naughty penis stroker, daddy?

You know your weak daddy. The pussy is too powerful for you. There is no saying no to your daughters fresh cum filled panties. So you might as well call in and stroke your tiny penis to me while I giggle over how weak you are.

Come on daddy call your naughty princess so she can humiliate you. My cum filled panties are waiting for you to be a naughty penis stroker.

Ask for Princess Bree and get off to some nasty humiliation phone sex tonight!

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Panty Sniffing Fetish with Granny Gail

panty sniffing fetish

I was going through my lingerie drawer tonight doing a bit of spring cleaning thinking about what I should give away and what I should keep. There are those sexy undergarments that I just can’t get rid of no matter how much I try. I was thinking, as I watched the pile of lingerie and panties that are going to Goodwill get bigger and bigger, I wondered how many panty boys head to second-hand stores to gather up women’s rejected clothing. For it would be a rather great place to go. Knowing you’re wearing some already used panties against your naughty bits but better yet indulging in your panty-sniffing fetish with some well-worn knickers will probably be more exciting than anything.

I suppose one with a true fetish for panty sniffing would be able to still make out the scent of a woman even after the lingerie items have been washed. Do you wait to your car to sniff your latest purchase or do you start sniffing them in the second-hand shop to make sure you get a “good” pair of panties?

Well, I am sure from the batch of lingerie and panties that I have going to the goodwill store some sissy boy or panty boy will be loving this phone sex Mommy. Wouldn’t it be rather funny if a sissy boy uses my clothes for a sissy phone sex call?


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Panty Boys Love Phone Sex Tranny Dru

You find wearing panties sexy and so you should. That soft cotton and sexy silk feel amazing rubbing against your cock. I mean after all I am a  phone sex tranny so can related to the joys of sexy panties rubbing against a cock.

phone sex tranny

Perhaps that is why your thinking of calling myself. The look of my transexual body before you on the screen and the hot blue panties covering my naughty bits. Does your mind wander to how long I have had them on?

OH what I have done in those blue panties?

Better yet what all you want to do with my panties. You are a panty boy after all who most likely wants to share in a jerk off session together. Both of us laying back talking about the panties we have on. Where we got them. Why we bought them. Better yet how nice they feel sliding against our hard cocks.

I have a vast collection of panties and I do love chatting about what ones are my favorites. So love for you to give me a call and have both of us chat panties. I know right now these super soft blue panties are getting rather tight. I may have to slide them off my hips.

You can reach this panty wearing phone sex tranny by calling the number below. Just tell the dispatcher you wish to talk to Dru. Oh and there is no limits to where our conversations can go. So if your a panty boy that loves hamper diving then by all means tell me where you got those pretty panties of yours!

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Bree’s Dirty Phone Sex Panty Sniffer

So the other day I was wearing this way to short skirt but its totally hot and awesome, so you know I have to wear it. Well I forgot how short it was and bend over very “unlady like” and flashed half the mall center courtyard area. We are talking a full on panty flash of epic proportions. When I stopped going fuck! Most everyone was pretending not to of been staring at my ass but like you know they all were. This one guy was near drooling. So I was left wondering was he a panty boy or a phone sex panty sniffer type thing?

phone sex panty sniffer

Oh like you wouldnt wonder with that fucking grin on his face it was like scary clown creepy. Ok so first I thought Eww then I broke into sexy phone sex investigator mode and thought he was a panty boy haha.

Well pretty much was thinking he would be trying to steal my panties and either wear them or sniff them. I lean towards sniffing them cause his 200+++ frame would definitely not fit into my panties on any level. Ugh what a horrible mental image.

Least his lil dick wouldnt roll out like his tub o thighs will hahaha.

Ok thats mean. Sorry. Not Sorry!

Well the weird or not so weird part is I am wandering around and swear like every where I go he is there. See creepy clown thing. Just eying me  up. So like any bratty domme I was all for messing with a wanna be panty boy and walked right into Victoria Secret hah.

Game on!

Walking around the aisles checking out different panties. Holding them up so future phone sex panty sniffer could get a look of what I may wanna sniff in the future. All he could do was lock his glaze on those panty and get lost in the sweet aroma my hot barely legal pussy would make in them.

Oh ya its fucking awesome pussy scent. Be more than happy to tell you all about it when you call up to be my dirty phone sex panty sniffer. Your already drooling already so lets really have some fun.

Just ask for Bree!

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Panty Phone Sex Fantasies with Kassidy

You guys may not know this, but fetish phone sex tends to be a bit of a endless rabbit hole. Once you fall in, you keep falling and falling and falling, and with each second, you find yourself in deeper.

panty boy phone sex

A good example of that is the guy I just got off the phone with, J. J. started out as a dirty panty sniffer. And I don’t mean that in the sense of “J. is a naughty boy who sniffs panties.” I mean “J. is a naughty boy who likes to sniff panties that have already been worn but not yet washed, and the longer they were worn before he found them – the better.”

This dirty panty fetish began when he started sniffing his girlfriend’s panties and realizing that it turned him on. Eventually, it morphed into something else, with just the sight of panties making his cock hard. I’m sure you guys can see where this is going, right?

For J., it got to the point that just looking at panties or sniffing them or thinking about them just wasn’t enough. He was already so addicted to the panties that it seemed like a natural progression for him to start wearing them himself!

You guys may think this is a strange way for a man to turn into a panty boy, but believe me when I tell you this is not even close to the first time I’ve seen it happen.

Panties are strangely addictive!

Do you have panty sniffing and panty boy phone sex fantasies? Why not call me, and we can talk about them as much as you like!

Just ask for Kassidy come find out what sexy panties I am wearing for you to sniff.

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Dirty Panties Phone Sex with Courtney

Lets talk about panties or specifically dirty panties.

Most of us wear them.

Yes even men love wearing panties.

Some of us have a particular favorite style over another.

I shall admit I spent years in the phase of not wearing any in the firm belief that was enticing and alluring. However, I missed the feel of that cotton gusset against that soft skin between my legs. The feeling of my panties against my freshly waxed pussy. OMG there is no other sensation.

dirty panty phone sex

Also panties weed out the men I am not interested in. The men only in the eternal quest to stick their cock in a pussy, sure I can get behind some rough sex scenario where panties will only get in the way but thats completely different. What I am talking about are men who hunger for something a bit more perverse. The men I look for dont see those panties so much as a barrier but views them more as a destination.

For really the panties are what they long for.

Those dirty panties. The ones I have worn for days on end. Better yet the ones I have soaked with my own golden nectar. I know some of you are not prepared for such a nasty train of thought from the girl next door type. But really if your a panty boy who hungers for something different and more taboo than this might just have your cock throbbing. Hell my sweet girlfriend type vibe will really get you going for you dont expect me to be wearing dirty panties or willing to make them extra dirty.

Truth be told I do enjoy shocking men with how perverse my mind will go. What is that expression princess in the street and a freak in the sheets? Its what I live by. So why not find out just how much of a freak I can be by calling me for some dirty panty phone sex fun. The number is below.

Just ask for Courtney!

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How I Discovered My Boyfriend had a Panty Fetish

So summer is here and this kinky coed is spending her spare time in the sun and not so much of it with my sexy ass in a chair writing panty fetish phone sex blogs. You would think I would take my laptop to the beach and kill two birds with one stone as my momma would say but no that would cut into my cock teasing time. All those sexy guys on the beach. Yumm. Have I ever said how much I love summer.

panty fetish

This summer my ex came back from college back east. Actually really happy to see him. We didnt break up all bad it was just distance that made us break up so with him back that means we are sort of back together. He is lots of fun he is the one that i learned that men love panties. Had to admit I wanted to get with him to see if his panty fetish grew into something more. Not sure what but was thinkin he would be into more girlie things. 🙂 But so far no. Still the panty pervert. He will do anything and I mean ANYTHING for my dirty panties. He loved it when I force him to sleep in my panties. He would wake up the next day in a really good mood if ya know what I mean.

You should of seen the look on my ex’s face when I told him I worked in a lingerie shop he was super excited. The first time he spent the night, I woke up to find him searching my panty drawer. Think he was checking to see just how much stuff I brought home. Lots!!!

I laid there pretending to sleep and watching him rub those panties against his face and more. It was pretty funny I was trying not to giggle. Let me tell you it was extremely difficult not laughing out loud.

Know your probably pondering just how much panty fun did the two of us get into?

Well I think those kinky details are best left for a phone call dont you?

You can reach me at the number below just ask for Kennedy.

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Beg to Sniff Dani’s Dirty Panties

hi its me Dani your favorite barely legal phone sex girl whose dirty panties you wanna sniff!

you will never believe what happened! what a minute i always say that. you might actually believe this one. i was baby sitting and had got there super early only cause i was bored at home. well more like i really wanted to get this baby sitting job over with. i had baby sat for them in the past but not since i was in high school. it was a friend of my dads and they had moved out to where i am now and they have no sitter so they have me filling in till they can find someone. hopefully soon cause like it really i dont wanna be babysitting all the time you know.

sniff dirty panties

so i get there and knock on the door and no one was answering so i thought they werent home and just let myself in. done it a bunch of other times. went in to get some stuff from the kitchen. so wander to back of the house having to past the laundry room and holy poop there he was. the guy i baby sit for. he was in the laundry room sniffing panties. like ewww. full on hand in the dirty laundry hamper and scrunched up panties in his hand sniffing away. isnt that just nasty?

like i get guys on the phone saying they are sniffing dirty panties and even hear them making sniffing and snorting noises. even done panty sniffing fantasies about walking in on guys but this was the first time i actually walked in on a guy doing it. he was beat red too like so busted and didnt even know what to say. just stood there going oh didnt hear you knock.

i just giggled.

not sure what else i was suppose to do really.

but knew i was gonna get a good tip 🙂


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Panty Stealing Phone Sex with Kimberly

So I just got home from my parents. Did the whole Merry ho ho thing there. My mom always wants us kids home for the holidays, so had to stay home which kind of sucked cause I had other plans but you have to do what mom says. So I head there with a few days of clothes. Since the weather has been kind of crazy and like mom always say better to be prepared. So I sort of packed for a few extra days just in case of snow and getting stranded there. Thankfully, I didnt have to worry about that can you imagine. Ekkk I wouldnt want to be stuck there I mean it was bad enough being super horny and worrying about my dad and brother and who knows who else could over hear me masturbating. I know all the kinky dads reading this panty stealing phone sex blog are like thats a bad thing? I guess not for you!

panty stealing phone sex

Well ok I get home I am unpacking and I know I had 6 pairs of panties and guess what there are like 2 pairs in there. Yup call my mom to see if she washed them and never put them back in my room. NOPE! They are missing. She checked my room and everything. NADA! Someone stole my panties. So its either my dad. Like that would surprise me since when ever I had sleep overs and would do the panties in the freezer he was right there snooping in the freezer for something. Sure dad! More like sniffing in the freezer. Nothing like some flash frozen teen pussy scents. So I am like ya dad is sniffing my panties right now. But then my brother was like looking at me weird all weekend too. I was wearing this super short skirt that had my mom freaking but my brother was like super cute skirt sis. So I dont know. All I know is as I am sitting here right now typing this blog someone is sniffing my panties. Wonder if I will get my panties back? Doubtful. Do panty sniffer give back panties or what? Blah they were cute panties now what am I going to do with the matching bras!

Looks like I gave my brother and daddy and extra Christmas present this year. Man I am going to have to remember this next year and just stuff their stockings with panties. That would be hilarious the look on their faces!

Just ask for Kimberly when you call cause I know you cant resist being a naughty panty stealing phone sex daddy with me.

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