Taboo Phone Sex Brat Josie teases Teacher

taboo phone sex brat

So, like, this taboo phone sex brat is not the world’s best student, right? It’s cool. I can admit that. I am smart in other ways, but sitting and reading is just not for me.

One of the ways I *am* smart, though, is in finding what guys want and are willing to throw away their morals for. My teacher, in this case, loved the idea of opening his drawer to find some wet panties around an apple for him. He knew the first pair was from me, because it had my name and A plus written on them. When I came into class later, the apple had a big juicy bite on it.

And you know what? I still have not gotten a bad grade from him since that day!

The big surprise came later in the month, though. I stayed after hours cause there’s this librarian woman who gives great head….I guess all of the people here are perverts now that I think about it. Anyway, I walked by his room, looked in, and there he was, WEARING the panties I gave him that day. I quickly opened the door, walked in, closed it behind me, and said “hey, pretty panty boy.”

His head jerked around, and you could see he was freaked out. I laughed and pushed him on the desk. I told him not to say a word, and called him a bitch. Well, I might have called him my bitch. Doing taboo phone sex has taught me to be far more aggressive with boys like this. Oh, he will never be a man to me anymore, or respected. He will forever be a perverted little bitch boy that will give me what I like and what I want.

Now, I bring him panties less and less often because I know he’s already wearing a pair at all times. Just yesterday, I had him drive me and a date around while we did stuff in the back seat. I could tell whenever he was paying more attention to us than the road, so I would kick his seat and tell him to watch the road.

I might even have him start worshiping my feet during sissy phone sex calls with you bitches. Who knows? All I can say is my future in school is looking pretty nice.

Just as for Josie and I can be your naughty, taboo phone sex student.

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Panty Boy Phone Sex with Melody

panty boy phone sex

Well back to school again. Just when I was enjoying no homework or assignment deadlines and staying up late with all the panty boys and sissy boys. Now I am back to still staying up late doing kinky phone sex calls but toss in some homework in there once again.

Oh well soon enough it will be summer. How many weeks till classes are done?

The funny thing is now that I am no longer first year student. My teachers rarely change. I know shocking right but in a way that isn’t so bad unless its that one teach who I swear is a domme. No really I think she is! But I have this one male prof that I know is a panty boy. well maybe he is a sissy boy not quite sure about it but I have seen him in the lingerie shop my friend works at. She told me he bought some sexy lingerie and make up, so she thinks he is a sissy boy. Ok side tracking here where am I going with this?

Well I am in his class for like the gazillionth time. So he is up at the board writing out the assignment and he bends over to pick up a pen he dropped and I swear he had PANTY LINES. Like I don’t know what it is but like panties wear so much more different than men’s boring tighty whities. So ya. Like I had to wonder was he wearing the ones he bought when I was in the store that day. They were what I thought were kind of MILFy ones. They were cougar print bikini ones, with some pink lace I think.  So I mean they could be for his girlfriend but the way he was holding them and blushing they were so for him.

From what you panty phone sex boys tell me there is a certain expression you have on your face and I would say that he had it. Course he blushed extra hard when he saw me near the counter talking to my friend. What sort of questions do you think I should ask him or things I should say near him that will get him blushing in the classroom and well giving this phone sex tease extra credit???

Oh you know you panty phone sex boys are just itching for a sexy college coed to toss hints at you. Maybe this could be a fun panty boy humiliation phone sex role play?

I think so!

Just ask for Melody when you call the number below.

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Ultimate Panty Phone Sex Tease Kassidy

panty phone sex tease

Being the ultimate phone sex tease it wouldn’t surprise you that I tease my boyfriend as well. I mean why would I simply save the teasing for the phone? No way! Its far too much fun and well some times what I do with you naughty boys only has me wanting to do it in real life. So my boyfriend gets to be the guinea pig so to speak. Some times he is very thankful other times lets just say he would rather I wasn’t such a cock tease.

Some may or may not know my boyfriend is a bit of a panty boy ok well he likes them and admire them on me and well I might of pushed him into wearing them. Honesty, who knows which came first him wearing them or me pushing him into them. Does it really matter? NOPE!

So when I was at the lingerie shop I picked up a cute pair of super soft cotton booty shorts (yes really they are boy short style but when your putting them on your boyfriend that just sounds wrong so I call them booty shorts) Bright pink with blue elastic band. I grabbed some soft lace blue booty panties to match.

When I got home I laid his out on the bed. He knows that when he sees panties on the bed he is to put them on. As per normal he goes into the bedroom to shower and saw the panties on the bed and slips them on immediate after his shower.

I enter into the bedroom to see him admiring himself in the large mirror in the corner of the room. Twisting to see how his ass looks but most of all how snug those panties are against his hardening cock. Yup he likes them.

Seeing me in the reflection he notices my cute lace panties. Come on baby lay down on the bed. Time for a little fun. Getting him to lay on his back. I straddle down over his panty covered cock. My panty covered pussy just rocking back and forth.

Dry fucking him.

Teasing him.

The lace of my panties wont hold the juices my pussy is creating so they are dripping down on to his cotton panties. The head of his cock pushing out of his panties.

I just keep rocking back and forth. Riding his panty covered cock.

Ya I know such a cock tease but you know you are rock hard just thinking about what I did to him. Did she let him fuck her? Or did she panty fuck him all the way to an orgasm?

Well here is the deal I could tell you but then what kind of phone sex cock tease would I be? I am going to save that info till you call me for your own panty fucking fantasy.


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Fetish for Panties with Courtney

Found out I am not the only one going into my panty drawer.

Seems my brother thinks my panties look good on him too.

Ya took me by surprise too.

Sort of walked in on him one day. Guess he thought I was out for the night or something and there he was twirling around in my full length mirror with a pair of my sexy pink thong panties on. I stood at the door and watched him for awhile. Might as well enjoy the show. He was twisting around looking at how that thong back slid up between his round ass cheeks.

The best part was when he took a moment to look up from his ass and saw me starting back at him in the mirror. Yup HI! Swear he blushed down to his white ass. Ya try and talk yourself out of this one.  He tried as hard as he could to get out of it but umm didnt work. I was just staring at him saying your a panty boy. My brother is a panty boy! Which he was embarrassed to hear but his little panty covered cock told me he was enjoying the embarrassment!

fetish for panties

Any other guys out there with a fetish for their sister’s panties?

Even if its you loving the idea of being busted for wearing someone else’s panties by all mean give me a call and lets create a wonderfully wicked phone sex fantasy for you. After all that is what a taboo phone sex service is for am I right?

So grab those special panties and lets chat about your panty fetish.

Ask for Courtney when you call the number below

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Bratty Phone Sex Domme Josie Humiliates Small Dick Men

If you have a small dick do us girls all a favor and just slap some panties on that puppy. I mean we all know its no good for anything. Us bratty phone sex domme are just calling it a puffy clitty anyways. So do just end the madness now. Put some panties on that clitty!

bratty phone sex domme

Yes I know your going OMG Josie thats so mean. Well trying being on your knees already to give a blow job only to realize when your open that zipper your face to face with a 3 inch micro penis!

Ya now that fucking mean. Ewww. Still gives me shivers of disgust down my spine. Like really give a girl a warning. See if he had one some panties I would of seen them flashing out the top of his jeans like a beacon. DO NOT GO HERE! THE DUDE HAS NOTHING WORTH FUCKING!

See that could of saved me some massive teasing time. Here I was OMG making out with a shrimp dick dude. Blah! Where is the mouthwash when you need it.

Now if that fucker had some panties on I could of saved myself the embarrassment of getting that close to a small dick. Really I have a reputation to uphold and I cant even believe I am saying I was that close to a man’s clit. But I was and well I will be having nightmares for a while.

Dont worry its nothing a good sph phone sex call wont cure hahah. Blast a few of you small dick losers and poof all is good in this bratty phone sex domme’s world again. Well that and getting fucked from a big dick guy should help things along too. Wash that horrible image from my brain.

Just ask for bratty phone sex domme Josie and tell the dispatcher you wanna book a sph phone sex call! She will take care of the rest.

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Forced Men to Wear Panties Fantasy

force me to wear panties phone sex

I might look sweet and innocent but you would never know that I have forced men to wear panties. Yes its true. Ok that makes it sound like there is a whole army of men out there that are in pink frilly panties that I made wear them no its not quite like that but there are a good 3 or 4 guys who I have forced into some pretty girly undergarments.

What can I say those forced phone sex calls arent just fantasies for me. I have a few true life stories of my own. I have shared a few with some of the sissy boy’s who have called me and they are all rather shocked to think this blonde hair athletic girl could have a bit of a forcible streak in her.

Oh there are many things you dont know about me. *evil laugh*

I admit that the first time was a bit of a joke. I didnt really know what I was doing but does anyone know what they are doing the first time? Not really. My first boyfriend and I were having a few drinks while we were out camping and well after a few drinks, we started to double dare each other to do things. Ya there were some sexual things we dared each other to do but in a drunk state you like going for the giggles. So being that he was a strong masculine football player guy. You know the type, course I dared him into a pair of my pink floral panties.

He fought me but when there is pussy on the line. Oh ya you do it. He slipped them on and his cock didnt even fit in them. Ya the guy was gifted in that department. Oh so lucky girl. He did a little dance for me by the campfire. Getting me giggle and laughing and really damn near peeing my pants.

So I dont know can you count that as a forced him to wear panties? Well I count it but after that it was just so much fun. I enjoyed watching how uncomfortable it makes guys and well I like giggling and laughing at it.

Over the years, I have vamped it up some. From just my own private thing to making them go out in public. That story is to follow or you can always call me for the humiliating details.


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OTK Phone Sex Punishment with Carla

I happen to catch a certain naughty panty boy in my lingerie drawer, now its not the first time his sticky fingers in my silky under garments. Cant say that I blame Jason from wanting to be in my lingerie drawer for I do have quite the collection of things. That is the joy of being a mature woman you have years of gathering items behind you.

otk phone sex punishment

Now am fully aware that Jason is going to sneak off into his room and slip a pair of my panties on and masturbate with them. Something about wearing my panties while he rubs his cock makes his orgasms extra exciting. However, I am not going to let him wander off this time. Oh no. This phone mommy is going to put her foot down and get Jason to slide those panties on in front of me for starters. I want to see how excited he gets in his mommys panties.

So as I stood in front of him I told him to drop his pants and put on the lavender gstring panties of mine. The minute he started to slip them on he cock was getting excited. By the time that gstring was being pulled up he was having to adjust his cock and trying to contain it under that soft material.

Jason started to become more and more embarrassed as he stood there in my panties. Mind you I wasnt going to just let that bit of humiliation be the punishment for going into mommys panty drawer. Far from it. This was going to call for some over the knee spanking. See how much he enjoyed a little spanking punishment.

Course him being in a pair of gstring panties was going to work out just great for that meant he had a bare bum but his cock was all wrapped up in that sweet cotton goodness. I grabbed him and tossed him over my knee and started to use my bare hand on his bum. Sure he wiggled around but really he didnt stand a chance of getting out of my punishment. For I had him over my knee and his legs tucked under my other leg where my leg clamped down on him. There was no escaping my spankings.

Each spanking had Jason swearing he would stay out of my lingerie drawer. Course I knew it was all lies for his hardening cock told me other wise. He was enjoying his otk phone sex punishment from his special mommy far too much.

I am sure I will be catching Jason again and he wont be so quick to hide the fact he has been in there either.

What would you do if you were caught in my lingerie drawer?

I am ready for some more otk phone sex punishment just ask for Carla

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Panty Sniffing Fetish with Granny Gail

panty sniffing fetish

I was going through my lingerie drawer tonight doing a bit of spring cleaning thinking about what I should give away and what I should keep. There are those sexy undergarments that I just can’t get rid of no matter how much I try. I was thinking, as I watched the pile of lingerie and panties that are going to Goodwill get bigger and bigger, I wondered how many panty boys head to second-hand stores to gather up women’s rejected clothing. For it would be a rather great place to go. Knowing you’re wearing some already used panties against your naughty bits but better yet indulging in your panty-sniffing fetish with some well-worn knickers will probably be more exciting than anything.

I suppose one with a true fetish for panty sniffing would be able to still make out the scent of a woman even after the lingerie items have been washed. Do you wait to your car to sniff your latest purchase or do you start sniffing them in the second-hand shop to make sure you get a “good” pair of panties?

Well, I am sure from the batch of lingerie and panties that I have going to the goodwill store some sissy boy or panty boy will be loving this phone sex Mommy. Wouldn’t it be rather funny if a sissy boy uses my clothes for a sissy phone sex call?


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Barely Legal Teen Laughs at Panty Boys

Hey It’s me Summer! I probably remind you of some hot barely legal teen you been seeing around the neighbourhood or better yet at the mall. Checking me out and wondering why my smile makes you feel all squirmish. Do I know your secret that you are panty boys?

laugh at panty boy humiliation

I might know all about that dirty secret of yours after all isnt that why you were in the mall the other day hunting for some new panties to wear when your sitting at home on a Friday night watching porn and stroking that panty-covered cock of yours.

Probably is something I should keep to myself but you know what… NOPE.

Here I am blogging all about it granted I haven’t used any names but I know you all too well.

Sitting there with your panties hidden in amongst your other shopping items. Wondering if anyone say you buying the goods.

How come you had to buy new ones? Were you just wanting something new or did you make too many messes in the other one you cant get them clean again?

Oh and before you start to wonder if this barely legal phone sex teen is capable of humiliating you.. Yes! Yes I can and will be more than happy to giggle and laugh at your panty-covered ass jerking and jacking to all those taboo thoughts of yours. I know you are thinking I look too sweet but trust me you will be getting rock-hard to my giggle. Cause I am definitely giggling over you wearing panties and the things you get excited by.

So panty boys call the number below cause this barely legal teen is ready to laugh at you and your taboo thoughts. Come on and tell me what makes you stroke your cock while you wear those panties.




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Panty Boys Love Phone Sex Tranny Dru

You find wearing panties sexy and so you should. That soft cotton and sexy silk feel amazing rubbing against your cock. I mean after all I am a  phone sex tranny so can related to the joys of sexy panties rubbing against a cock.

phone sex tranny

Perhaps that is why your thinking of calling myself. The look of my transexual body before you on the screen and the hot blue panties covering my naughty bits. Does your mind wander to how long I have had them on?

OH what I have done in those blue panties?

Better yet what all you want to do with my panties. You are a panty boy after all who most likely wants to share in a jerk off session together. Both of us laying back talking about the panties we have on. Where we got them. Why we bought them. Better yet how nice they feel sliding against our hard cocks.

I have a vast collection of panties and I do love chatting about what ones are my favorites. So love for you to give me a call and have both of us chat panties. I know right now these super soft blue panties are getting rather tight. I may have to slide them off my hips.

You can reach this panty wearing phone sex tranny by calling the number below. Just tell the dispatcher you wish to talk to Dru. Oh and there is no limits to where our conversations can go. So if your a panty boy that loves hamper diving then by all means tell me where you got those pretty panties of yours!

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