The down fall to where I live there is no Uber so like its cabs or the bus. Ya could get a car but like anyone who lives in a big city or just downtown of any city you know cars just are a waste. I mean who wants to bother with trying to find parking and well no thanks just drop this hot phone sex bitch off at the front door and go on your merry way.
Anyways as I was standing in the lobby pondering where my cab was cause they never show up at the designated time they say. This dude I know not super well but like enough to grant him with a Hello from time to time offered me a lift cause we were going in the same area.
Hmm public cab vs a private vehicle. Ya that was a hard toss up got my ass in his car.
Now here is the funny part not that giving me a ride wouldnt be some single simps ultimate fantasy. Car ride not a fucking mustache ride gross!
This guy is a total fetish freak. I mean like I have walked by his place cause he lives on the same floor as my friend and well he is one to leave his door open total fruit cake if you ask me. Unless that is part of his fetish to have some hot bitch bust him in the panties he has on.
Oh ya dude is a total panty boy will wear them and parade around his condo in them. Windows open for the world to see. Ya I did more than just glance I was full on standing in the hall having a view of the show.
The only thing this hot phone sex bitch was wondering was did he steal the panties he had on or did he go out and buy them just for him to wear alone. I mean most the panty boys I know and talk to on the phone like to steal them cause they feel extra naughty that way.
I aint judging but there I was sitting in a panty boys car and well I may of let him get a glimpse of my sexy panties a time or two on that ride.
Your all wondering what happened with him during the car ride?
Ya well this hot phone sex bitch is gonna tease you so if you want the details just call!
Ask for Bree