Strapon Phone Sex with Mysti

strapon phone sex

As a mature woman I know what I like and that is fucking a man up the ass with a strap on. I lucked out and discovered my love for ass pounding at a relative young age which means I have quite a selection of cocks to choose from. Sure I have a few of the smaller variety but to be honest those aren’t the ones that bring me any satisfaction. I am going to grab the ones that are the larger variety. For I know that I enjoy getting fucked by a big cock and why wouldn’t you want the same in a hot strapon phone sex session.

Course with a few of the bi-curious men out there I do have a special sort of cock I like to break out for those strapon phone sex fantasies. Come to think of it this might big cock of mine may require someone with some experience for I hate to break a man in with this monster apparatus.

Its my big black strap on dick. Just saying that does give me a shiver of excitement down my spine and makes my nipples very hard. I know how much I adore getting such wonderful BBC so why not you even if it is via a phone sex fantasy.

So just imagine while we are discussing you getting in various positions fit for being pegged I am laying back on my bed stroking and rubbing my big black strap on cock. Oh I know that is gonna get a few of you rock hard and wishing to drop down to your knees and having your ass penetrated by this sexy Southern MILF.

I would love to share some of my strap on stories with you. Oh who am I kidding I would much rather be ramming my BBC cock up your ass.

Give me a call and lets have some fun, Mysti

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Taboo Phone Sex Roleplay with Porscha

mommy phone sex roleplay

This no limit phone sex mommy got to have a bit of fun with her boy. He called up with a very exciting phone sex roleplay fantasy that could only be shared with a phone sex mommy. Now being the mature taboo mommy that I am I just had to share the extreme phone sex fantasy .

The mommy/son phone sex roleplay started out with me coming in to my boy’s room and seeing him having issues with a very swollen hard cock and just not knowing what to do with it. Yes he did try to scramble and hid the porn sites he was looking at but we both know there is no hiding that swelling cock.

Granted I could of just left him alone but this is a taboo phone sex roleplay and were would be the fun in just walking about of the room?

Course this phone mommy is going to help our her boy with that ever so hard cock. Sure we started out with instructing him on ways to stroke and jerk that cock into some relief but being new to the idea he just couldnt get that hang of things. Before you ask yes I did step in with some more guided cock stroking instructions but I did have to take this fantasy to that taboo place and tell him what I would really want to do.

Oh I know your going Porscha what ways did you talk about?

Well that is for him and I if you want to know more then you best give this MILF a call and lets see what wonderful things pop up in your very own taboo mommy phone sex roleplay.

Don’t give me that you have no taboo desires for you read this far. So just narrow down what situation you want to explore and lets have some fun together. Hurry up Mommy is waiting!

Just ask for Porscha

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Family Fun Phone Sex Roleplays with Carla

family fun phone sex

I often get told that I look like someone’s mom, aunt, or grandmother. Now I find that rather flattering that you can look at a mature phone sex woman and see someone you know and your cock is still standing at attention. Though when someone usually makes those types of remarks I know they are looking for a little taboo family fun phone sex roleplay. Be it fucking their mom’s dirty cunt or messing around with some other family member.

That was probably rather blunt but this mature phone momma has heard it all over the years and really lets not mince words here why not just get down to the nitty gritty of why we are all here. You have some naughty fantasies and the holidays are putting you around those family members or family friends that you use to jerk off too in the shower when you lived at home. Those kinky yet taboo sexual fantasies never disappear. Sure you may become a bit embarrassed for having had them or maybe that embarrassment enhances your horny mood. Either way I just want to enjoy the moment with you.

So tuck yourself away in your old bedroom perhaps pull out those old magazines you jerked off too. Is that dating myself by saying that? Probably but either way you know there is some old spank material still hidden away under your bed or in that closet.

Actually maybe that would be some fantasy on its own going back to your room only to find out that your old gooning material is no longer there and that person who found it comes back to talk to you about it. That rush of embarrassment has your cock twitching with horny delight.

This sexy MILF would love to create a naughty taboo family fun phone sex role play for you today. Have your jerking off and cumming extra hard to that family friend or well whom ever it maybe. Yes you can even call me by her name!

Course you will have to use my name with the dispatcher and that is Carla. Talk to you soon!

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Two GILF Phone Sex Fantasies with Delores and Dottie

I know we all have those little something that turns us on that we just can’t explain or maybe you can but your friends don’t understand. Lucky for you around here we don’t ask you to explain your sexual fantasies well actually we might ask a little bit on where or who got you interested in GILF phone sex since fucking a granny is considered taboo. So excuse us if we do ask but we only ask to find out a bit more about you nothing more.

Now we know its rather difficult at times to find a sexy granny to enjoy a kinky phone sex fantasy with and good news for you that search is over for you not only have the chance to speak with myself Delores but my dear friend Dottie as well. Yes that’s right your dreams of doing a 2 GILF phone sex fantasy can now come true. Like to call ourselves the Double D’s of phone sex grannies nothing and I do mean nothing will shock us.

GILF phone sex
Sexy Granny Delores

I know your eager to hear how old we are but honey we rather save that little tidbit of information for when we have you on the phone so we can hear that little moan of excitement when you hear those numbers roll off our tongue and realize the years of experience we have together. Let your ponder how many dicks we have had in our mouths and how many cum loads have been squirted into our wrinkly cunts.

2 GILF Phone Sex
Hottie Dottie

Now myself Delores enjoy exploring most any type of fetish from adult baby to well trying to think of a z fetish but you get the idea. I am a smoker so if you do have a smoking fetish then we definitely need to chat. And yes that pussy of mine is kept au natural.

As for Dottie she loves a kinky role play and well she is just a dirty lil whore so take that however you want. She likes to keep her pussy nice and smooth so your can see just how wet you make her.

Well I think we shall leave it at that for now look forward to what wonderful taboo fantasies you will bring us sexy grannies. The number is below just ask for Dottie and Delores the DD grannies ready for some wild 2 GILF phone sex fun.

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Mommy Simone Makes You A Sissified Adult Baby

adult baby

Are you gonna be a good boy for mommy and put these girlie adult baby clothes on?

I never had kids but if I was your phone sex mommy you can be sure that I would be only buying you pink pretty girl clothes to put on. The idea of having a boy adult baby just seems so boring. The toys suck. The clothing is horrible, nothing but blue with trucks or some farmer theme.

No, thank you!

I want an adult baby who is more than happy to let this mommy dress them up to be super pretty and cute. The socks with the lace ruffles around the ankles. The sundresses with bonnets and bows. Oh, and the toys little dolls, and little makeup kits.

Oh, see how much fun being a girl is over a boy?

I know you will want to be my pretty girly adult baby right?

Having your phone mommy takes her time to put the pretty girly clothes on you and puts you in a pink pram to take around the park. Oh yes, can see it now. Such fun mommy can have with her sissified adult baby.

Now please don’t think you can toss a tantrum to get your way. For you, my pretty girl adult baby will put on what mommy tells you to. What’s between your legs means nothing to this Mommy. I only see an outie of a clitty.

Time for you to be a good sissy abie and call your Mommy for some fun girly time.  If you’re good I will let you snuggle up close into Mommy’s bosom. Just ask for Simone.

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Smoking Fetish with Mature Phone Women

smoking fetish

So which has you staring at my picture more.. The fact that I am a more mature woman or that I have my lips wrapped around a cigarette? Be it you have a fetish for older women or just a smoking fetish in general. Either works for me. Mind you what would you do if I told you that you could chat with 2 sexy more mature women who adore smoking? Like seriously we probably have a smoking fetish ourselves.

Does that get you feeling a bit of a chubby popping up in your pants?

Cause it should!

For my dear friend Carla also enjoys puffing away on something between her lips.

dommy mommy phone sex

Now there are a number of different ways you could enjoy a 2 girl phone sex session with ourselves but what I am sort of seeing is us sexy hot mature ladies on our knees taking a long, deep drag off our smokes and then exhaling that smoke all over your cock.

You can stand there stroking it with each inhale of our smoke or have us take turns stroking you while we smoke away. Personally I find a smoky blow job rather exciting and the vision is intensified when you have a smoking fetish as well. So many find smoking disgusting so its beyond refreshing to find a man who savors the idea of women smoking around him. Especially when your in the middle of something sexual or just to tease you and arouse you before we dive into the kinky acts.

There are of course other women available who smoke but this is about mature women who enjoy smoking and getting kinky while they smoke. So if you are a man who enjoys getting kinky with more mature women and loves when they wrap their lips around a cigarette then by all means give me a call. Just ask for Hellena I am one kinky dommy granny. My friend Carla also enjoys the BDSM lifestyle, so very few limits when talking to us.


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Feminization Phone Sex with Mrs Porscha

There are simply some days in which one gets bored. In these days of modern technology, you can see everything and do everything in such a short time, that one may occasionally end up yearning for a simpler time.

feminization phone sex

A time like the one back when we believed we discovered the music of the future because we now had synthesizers and keytars. Back when I used to go to clubs with my girlfriends and get free drinks from guys with blazers that had giant shoulder pads and popped collars over hyper color t-shirts. Of course, these days, all of my girlfriends are a bit too respectable. Naturally, that is where you little sissy boys come in!

Oh, yes, you little boys will become my little glam rock groupies as we recapture a bit of the days when Journey was still the biggest band in the world and singing “Don’t Stop Believing” at the top of one’s lungs wasn’t yet considered a cliche.

Oh, but don’t get me wrong, though. You won’t look like Dee Snyder or any other member of Twisted Sister. No, no. This particular phone-sex MILF will not be caught dead with girls like that at her side. I want you to look more like…hmmm… Madonna in her heyday, or perhaps a cross between Cyndi Lauper or Pat Benetar. Oh, tight leather skirt with your hair in a sideways ponytail…gaudy lipstick with a zebra print blouse, and a pink scarf. Tattered leggings with ankle boots, and pointless rubber bracelets.

Of course, the difference between then and now is that the white stuff on your nose will be from when the guy I select for you to pleasure that night pulls out of your mouth and misses the rest of your face…

Does that sort of feminization phone sex sound appealing to you? If so, please give Mrs. Porscha a call.

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Strap on Phone Sex with Porscha

Will admit being an older woman there are many things I am experimenting with on the phone, just as you men are. The more I do them the more I realize I must try them in my day to day life. This was the case with the strap on phone sex calls I was doing. Each delightful detail about fucking a man in the ass had me thinking I really need to be doing this to my husband. Combine that with some late night searching through Amazon with some wonderful gift cards a certain naughty boy gave to this mature phone vixen and well the rest was history.

strap on phone sex

There were so many options out there and I could see how you could be so confused as my head was spinning.

First, I was thinking how big of a dildo do I get? I know I like them big but would my husband want one that size? It was something to think about. Unlike you men I get to choose the size of my cock.

Secondly, there was the material of my cock. Rubber vs silicone. I know there are some dildos that are just not suited for strap on play like the glass ones. I definitely knew I wanted one that was a bit softer and had some give when working its way into that anal passage.

Thirdly, the strap on harness. Yet again even more options. G-string style vs I guess you would call it a jock strap style. I kept wondering which would make me feel like I had more command over my rubber dick.

So ya after some careful contemplation I had made my choice a beautiful rubber 8 inch strap on with a g-string harness. Fully admit that I was prancing around like a proud peacock with that thing strapped to me. When it first arrived I had put it on when no one was home. Wanted to get a feel for it first before showing my wonderful ass pounding dick to my husband.

I admired myself from all angles in the full length mirror for quite some time. Pumping my hips. Even bending over to see how my ass looked. No matter what angle you looked at a woman wearing a strap on is down right sexy. I was turning myself on. Could of been at the idea of what was about to unfold but then again it could of been the vision of me with a dick strapped to me. Either way I was more than ready for some strap on sex.

Now I could go into all the wonderful details of my first time fucking my husband in the ass but I think I am going to save those for another day really. Sorry to disappoint you strap on phone sex men. I dont want to rush that experience in a blog and I know you will be happy with my decision to do so.

As always you can reach me for a strap on phone sex call or any other sissy type fantasies just ask for Porsha.

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Sissy Salon Fantasy with Porscha

I was going through my wedding album the other day. Looking at my gorgeous wedding dress and veil. I loved everything around that day the hours of getting ready. Sitting in the salon getting the up do and my make up. The list really goes on and on. Perhaps its holding on to that special moment which makes it so much fun when I have a sissy who wants to do a salon fantasy.

sissy salon phone sex

Mind you this time I would really like to so a sissy salon phone sex fantasy where that sissy is getting ready for a wedding. Sitting in that chair with the hairdressing cape over them. The long blond wig being twisted on to big hot rollers. Have to build up that volume. Know the butterflies are fluttering around in your stomach over what your end result will be.

How will your hair turned out? Will it be like you planned?

As the last roller is being placed that is when the make up artist comes in to work her magic over your face. Opening her box of delightful colors that has your eyes just dancing in delight.

To feel the coolness of the foundation being applied. The casual conversation about what your wedding dress is like and what is going on with the reception. Things your all to excited to answer.

Far too excited about your dress.

So what do you think ready for a sissy salon fantasy and let me be your hairdresser and perhaps more.


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Sissy Adult Baby Phone Sex

I adore sissy babies. Love putting them in those frilly dresses with the pretty ribbons and tons of lace. Those tights with the frills on the bottoms and the socks with the lace around the edges. I can go on and on with the joy dressed a sissy adult baby brings me.

sissy adult baby granny

Probably the only thing that exceeds that joy is publicly humiliating a sissy baby. For you dont expect me to be content will just having you prance around the house in that pretty girlie outfit do you? No of course not. I want to show off my little bundle of pink goodness to others. Now I know they are not all going to be as accepting as I am and they will be giggling and laughing at you. That is what its all about making your cheeks redden with embarrassment.

For those that love to be embarrassed when they are all dressed up in those pink diapers. Nothing quite like a 2 girl phone sex call where I get to tell the other girl how you are all dressed up and listen to her laugh and laugh at you.

I did just that with one particular taboo phone sex babe on the site, Emma she has the cutest giggle and she loves humiliating sissy adult babies as much as I do.

ab/dl phone sex

I know Emma and I would love to team up and dress up another sissy adult baby role play again.

Give us a call for a 2 girl phone call just ask for Nancy and Emma.

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