Become Dani’s Phone Sex Sissy Daddy

phone sex sissy daddy

Daddy will you play dress up with me? Was thinking it would be super fun to make my daddy a phone sex sissy boy!

We can break into Mommy’s make up and do each others hair. Well I guess more you do my hair cause you don’t have much. Ooo what if we got you a long blonde wig so you could match me?

I promise not to make a big mess of your make up daddy. We could do like a spa thing where I give you a mani/pedi. Would you like sparkly pink nails Sissy Daddy?

I think sparkles are the best!

Then we can go into Mommy’s closet and I can really get you all pretty sissy daddy. I wanna put you in everything pink cause that color is just so much fun.

Please come be my phone sex sissy daddy. We can have so much fun together. I don’t mind if you wanna do even naughtier things than just dress up. I was kind of thinking we can do that stuff in those movies you like. You know the ones where the pretty guys dressed up as women kiss other men’s dicks.

Your baby girl is ready for you!

Just ask for Dani.

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Taboo Phone Sex Brat Josie teases Teacher

taboo phone sex brat

So, like, this taboo phone sex brat is not the world’s best student, right? It’s cool. I can admit that. I am smart in other ways, but sitting and reading is just not for me.

One of the ways I *am* smart, though, is in finding what guys want and are willing to throw away their morals for. My teacher, in this case, loved the idea of opening his drawer to find some wet panties around an apple for him. He knew the first pair was from me, because it had my name and A plus written on them. When I came into class later, the apple had a big juicy bite on it.

And you know what? I still have not gotten a bad grade from him since that day!

The big surprise came later in the month, though. I stayed after hours cause there’s this librarian woman who gives great head….I guess all of the people here are perverts now that I think about it. Anyway, I walked by his room, looked in, and there he was, WEARING the panties I gave him that day. I quickly opened the door, walked in, closed it behind me, and said “hey, pretty panty boy.”

His head jerked around, and you could see he was freaked out. I laughed and pushed him on the desk. I told him not to say a word, and called him a bitch. Well, I might have called him my bitch. Doing taboo phone sex has taught me to be far more aggressive with boys like this. Oh, he will never be a man to me anymore, or respected. He will forever be a perverted little bitch boy that will give me what I like and what I want.

Now, I bring him panties less and less often because I know he’s already wearing a pair at all times. Just yesterday, I had him drive me and a date around while we did stuff in the back seat. I could tell whenever he was paying more attention to us than the road, so I would kick his seat and tell him to watch the road.

I might even have him start worshiping my feet during sissy phone sex calls with you bitches. Who knows? All I can say is my future in school is looking pretty nice.

Just as for Josie and I can be your naughty, taboo phone sex student.

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Be Shiva’s Phone Sex Cock Sucker

phone sex cock sucker

Oh yes aren’t you such a good boy!

Sucking back on that fake cock like your a porn star.

Seriously your not impressing me any. In fact if I have to listen to you make yourself gag on what is most likely some 4 inch wee willy I will stab my own ear drum out. And what is up with all that spit and saliva slurping bull shit?

Drooling over that sex toy does not make you a grade A cock sucker.

It actually makes you a pathetic excuse for a phone sex cock sucker.

Tossing this out there why must all you pretend fag boys slurp and gag on your own saliva? Did you read it some where? Cause this phone sex Domina is beyond over hearing that bull shit. Swear the last guy who was choking back on a dildo made me feel like I needed a paper towel for all the spit running down my neck. Ugh. Just thinking of it is sending me into convulsions of disgust. Probably getting some ear infection as we speak.

Want to impress me?

Go out and find a real fucking cock to play tonsil hockey with. Yes. Actually have a throbbing cum dripping cock slip past your lips and drive itself down your throat. Now that would be entertaining for this phone Domina.

Enough of you wanna be phone sex cock suckers gagging on what I can only assume is air. Go find a glory hole. You know where you will have no option but to deep throat that cock and if you don’t then you will feel deep and utter embarrassment over. For he will see your shoes and know it was you who was already gagging on his cock before it made it to the middle of your mouth.

Granted he might get an ego trip out of thinking his cock was far to big for you and that he is some amazing monster cock. When in reality it was a poor phone sex cock sucker who just didn’t know how to suck a dick properly cause he has been buying small dildos and practicing in his living room late at night.

You don’t wanna be THAT guy do you?

I think not!

So best you either buy some bigger dildos are you get your worthless ass down to the glory hole and get some big cocks slapping the back of your throat. No time like the present. Oh and when your done being one massive glory hole slut, then give me a call. For its only fair you give me an update on how things went.

Goddess Shiva

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Small Penis Humiliation with Bree

small penis humiliation

So I have a new neighbour well sort of a new neighbour this guy has moved onto my street and lets just say his choice in fucking vehicles has me going yup you are a member of the itty bitty dickie club cause its one of those raised up trucks with big tires and some super loud engine. Can hear him 5 miles away. Then he does this tire squealing up the road like look at me. The attention all small dick losers seem to crave.

The other day was sitting on the couch with a friend having a good gossip session and wouldnt ya know it small dick loser is screaming up the street. My friend starts laughing cause we both know when we hear and well see a raised up truck its a massive sign the driver has nothing to offer in his pants.

I just wanna know why you small dick fuckers buy such big trucks its not like you know how to park equipment like that?

I am thinking for the ultimate small penis humiliation of going and just placing a Nissan Micra pamphlet on his truck be like ya this is more your speed. Leave the big trucks for those who know how to handle big things.

Course if I was a nice neighbour I would probably offer to give him a big dick fucking with my strap on so he would know what a real cock feels like haha. Even if mine is a faux cock but better than his 2 inch micro cock.

Anyways if you cant tell I am definitely in the mood for some small penis humiliation phone sex so just ask for Bree when you call the number below.

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Fetish for Panties with Courtney

Found out I am not the only one going into my panty drawer.

Seems my brother thinks my panties look good on him too.

Ya took me by surprise too.

Sort of walked in on him one day. Guess he thought I was out for the night or something and there he was twirling around in my full length mirror with a pair of my sexy pink thong panties on. I stood at the door and watched him for awhile. Might as well enjoy the show. He was twisting around looking at how that thong back slid up between his round ass cheeks.

The best part was when he took a moment to look up from his ass and saw me starting back at him in the mirror. Yup HI! Swear he blushed down to his white ass. Ya try and talk yourself out of this one.  He tried as hard as he could to get out of it but umm didnt work. I was just staring at him saying your a panty boy. My brother is a panty boy! Which he was embarrassed to hear but his little panty covered cock told me he was enjoying the embarrassment!

fetish for panties

Any other guys out there with a fetish for their sister’s panties?

Even if its you loving the idea of being busted for wearing someone else’s panties by all mean give me a call and lets create a wonderfully wicked phone sex fantasy for you. After all that is what a taboo phone sex service is for am I right?

So grab those special panties and lets chat about your panty fetish.

Ask for Courtney when you call the number below

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Bratty Phone Sex Domme Josie Humiliates Small Dick Men

If you have a small dick do us girls all a favor and just slap some panties on that puppy. I mean we all know its no good for anything. Us bratty phone sex domme are just calling it a puffy clitty anyways. So do just end the madness now. Put some panties on that clitty!

bratty phone sex domme

Yes I know your going OMG Josie thats so mean. Well trying being on your knees already to give a blow job only to realize when your open that zipper your face to face with a 3 inch micro penis!

Ya now that fucking mean. Ewww. Still gives me shivers of disgust down my spine. Like really give a girl a warning. See if he had one some panties I would of seen them flashing out the top of his jeans like a beacon. DO NOT GO HERE! THE DUDE HAS NOTHING WORTH FUCKING!

See that could of saved me some massive teasing time. Here I was OMG making out with a shrimp dick dude. Blah! Where is the mouthwash when you need it.

Now if that fucker had some panties on I could of saved myself the embarrassment of getting that close to a small dick. Really I have a reputation to uphold and I cant even believe I am saying I was that close to a man’s clit. But I was and well I will be having nightmares for a while.

Dont worry its nothing a good sph phone sex call wont cure hahah. Blast a few of you small dick losers and poof all is good in this bratty phone sex domme’s world again. Well that and getting fucked from a big dick guy should help things along too. Wash that horrible image from my brain.

Just ask for bratty phone sex domme Josie and tell the dispatcher you wanna book a sph phone sex call! She will take care of the rest.

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Forced Men to Wear Panties Fantasy

force me to wear panties phone sex

I might look sweet and innocent but you would never know that I have forced men to wear panties. Yes its true. Ok that makes it sound like there is a whole army of men out there that are in pink frilly panties that I made wear them no its not quite like that but there are a good 3 or 4 guys who I have forced into some pretty girly undergarments.

What can I say those forced phone sex calls arent just fantasies for me. I have a few true life stories of my own. I have shared a few with some of the sissy boy’s who have called me and they are all rather shocked to think this blonde hair athletic girl could have a bit of a forcible streak in her.

Oh there are many things you dont know about me. *evil laugh*

I admit that the first time was a bit of a joke. I didnt really know what I was doing but does anyone know what they are doing the first time? Not really. My first boyfriend and I were having a few drinks while we were out camping and well after a few drinks, we started to double dare each other to do things. Ya there were some sexual things we dared each other to do but in a drunk state you like going for the giggles. So being that he was a strong masculine football player guy. You know the type, course I dared him into a pair of my pink floral panties.

He fought me but when there is pussy on the line. Oh ya you do it. He slipped them on and his cock didnt even fit in them. Ya the guy was gifted in that department. Oh so lucky girl. He did a little dance for me by the campfire. Getting me giggle and laughing and really damn near peeing my pants.

So I dont know can you count that as a forced him to wear panties? Well I count it but after that it was just so much fun. I enjoyed watching how uncomfortable it makes guys and well I like giggling and laughing at it.

Over the years, I have vamped it up some. From just my own private thing to making them go out in public. That story is to follow or you can always call me for the humiliating details.


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Racial Humiliation Phone Sex with Shay

Perhaps the one of the things that drew me to phone sex is how you can create any fantasy you want. For lets face it there are times where in our day to day lives we can’t or are afraid to enact our taboo fantasies, so that is where a kinky phone babe like me comes in.

For I adore the extreme dark phone fantasies.

racial humiliation phone sex

Such as the ones my caller over the last few nights has been sharing with me. It started with him messaging me asking if I did racial humiliation phone sex calls which of course I have no issue with. The word nigger flows past my lips pretty easily.

His elaborate role play had me not only humiliating his black ass but also setting out to torture him. The fun part was that I was only allowed to use my feet.

Smashing his face in with my heel.

Listening to his monkey nose crack.

There are times when its nice to toss that good girl next door persona aside and become the villainess  in a torture fantasy.

Thanks so much for sharing your racial humiliation phone sex fantasy with me. I can’t wait to see what other wild scenarios you come back with. Promise to only use my feet next time. (Kind of forgot the second night! But I was lost in the moment can you blame a girl)

So if you crave a good girl doing naughty things to you then give me a call just ask for Shay you can reach me at the number below.

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Bathroom Fetish Whore

Hi There! This afternoon “Jamie” (name changed to protect the perverted) called with a bit of a humiliating confession or at least he should be humiliated after I out him for his extreme bathroom fetish phone sex fantasy!

See Jamie loves to sniff sweaty asses.

Lucky for him. When he called I had just finished working out so my sexy ass crack was extra sweaty. Had a spot already for him to plant his nose and sniff away. Course Jamie soon found out why I had the title of phone sex deviant! For as he was in his full glory of stroking his small cock all while sniffing the sweat from my shit hole, I let out a little fart. *laugh* Snort that up!

bathroom fetish phone sex

It was then that Jamie told me he was a bathroom fetish phone sex whore and wanted to be my personal toilet paper. Licking what ever may come from my ass and pussy!

Ohhh Jamie you may of said that to the wrong person for I drink tons of water when working out and well I was ready to grant him his wish.

The thought of pissing all over Jamie’s face was exciting.

But the thought of forcing him to drink my golden nectar ~ now that is what really gets my taboo loving juices going!

For sniffing my farts was only the beginning dear Jamie. For lets just say one doesn’t become this fetish phone goddess’ toilet paper by only drinking my piss. No you need to be eating out my ass. Yes let your mind go there. Eating the shit from my ass! Letting his mouth be covered in brown stains.

Try explaining your way out of that one Jamie!

Oh thats right you CAN’T!

For all your friends need to do is see this taboo sex blog that calls out your bathroom fetish phone sex whore ass.

Good luck Jamie. Know you will be calling back considering your small cock is twitching in your pants and your mouth is salivating to taste my taboo juices once again.

Ask for Delilah

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Small Penis Humiliation with BBW Trisha

small penis humiliation

Now  I don’t have a regular boyfriend more the free spirit type when it comes to sex enjoy having a few partners verses settling into one steady relationship.  This has always worked very well for me as I up front with those that I share my bed with. The added bonus is that I can have a variety of men be it young, dominant, thin, dark, etc. Really the list can go on and on. There is one thing that doesn’t ever make the sexual list and that is a small cock.

No small dicks allowed in my bed.

However, there are a few times where even a plump phone sex goddess like myself end up with someone that has a less than perfect cock falling into my bed. Not for long mind you but they do end up crossing over into my bedroom.

This was the case last weekend when I had stumbled upon this amazing yum yum at a restaurant I was at with a friend. He was amazingly fine. Worked out had the abs visible through his shirt. Oh yes I was totally drooling. That great smile. Lips you wanted to kiss right away. Hell getting wet just thinking of him right now.

I had my eye on him all through dinner he was a few tables over. I ventured to the washroom and luck would have it he followed behind me. Once we hit the hall we were all introductions, passing of numbers, lets get together after we ditch our friends. Yup the feeling was pretty mutual.

Get home and we were instantly texting hot and fucking heavy. Wasn’t too long before we were both aching for some skin on skin contact of the X-rated kind. I grabbed my stuff and rushed over to his place. To see him sitting on his couch with what looked like a good bulge in his pants.

Started making out and what a great kisser. Amazing! I was soaking my panties. It was then he stood up and pulled down his pants. Oh lord I was face to face with 5 hard inches. Yikes!

What does a bbw girl with a fat ass do with 5 inches? Really? That wont get pass my big bottom. Hell my plump pussy wont get a decent pounding with that either. I just stared at it fully knowing he wanted me to suck it but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.

Instead I just laughed.

You would think his dick would get soft having a girl laugh at it but NO! He started to drip precum he was turned on by my laughing at him. Oh he wasn’t new to small penis humiliation at all.

He wanted this more than anything. He wanted to have his small cock laughed at.

Every smile.

Every smirk.

Every giggle.

Every laugh.

Had him thrusting his cock into the air.

Had him dribbling precum on the floor.

I know rather funny right but if you have ever experienced small penis humiliation phone sex you know exactly the feeling he was going through.

Have to say I was ready to bolt for the door but it was rather exciting to know he wasn’t going to fuck me.

Call and ask for Trisha for and erotic humiliation and sensual teasing phone sex fantasies.

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