So I was telling you last week about my window shopping at my favorite plus size shop. Pretty much its a dangerous place for me to go into for I always find something when I go in there. I had just ventured in there to snoop at what the fall fashions are. My eyes did wander to the stocking and I did buy those but not before noticing they had new boots. Wonderful ankle boots and oh so sexy knee high boots.
Men you are not the only one with a boot fetish for I adore boots, like you I notice women wearing boots. Course your wanting to know about my little boot shopping experience. I went in and all these amazing boots were lining the wall just begging me to try them on. There must of been about 10 different style and being that I had no set agenda that day, I was all for trying each one on.
I placed my big ass down on the white leather bench before the dream wall of boots. Telling the woman I needed a size 10. Course she asked me which style. The look on her face when i said all of them. She wasnt too pleased with my answer. This is where I really wished it was a store when men worked for this very reason. I know a man with a boot fetish would of loved knowing they would of been on their knees for all 10 styles of boots.
Sliding knee high boots on my size 10 feet then having to do those zippers up on my full calves. I know I am getting you excited just at the thought of being my boot boy. The good news is you can be for it would be a wonderful phone sex role play with yours truly.