Become Dani’s Phone Sex Sissy Daddy

phone sex sissy daddy

Daddy will you play dress up with me? Was thinking it would be super fun to make my daddy a phone sex sissy boy!

We can break into Mommy’s make up and do each others hair. Well I guess more you do my hair cause you don’t have much. Ooo what if we got you a long blonde wig so you could match me?

I promise not to make a big mess of your make up daddy. We could do like a spa thing where I give you a mani/pedi. Would you like sparkly pink nails Sissy Daddy?

I think sparkles are the best!

Then we can go into Mommy’s closet and I can really get you all pretty sissy daddy. I wanna put you in everything pink cause that color is just so much fun.

Please come be my phone sex sissy daddy. We can have so much fun together. I don’t mind if you wanna do even naughtier things than just dress up. I was kind of thinking we can do that stuff in those movies you like. You know the ones where the pretty guys dressed up as women kiss other men’s dicks.

Your baby girl is ready for you!

Just ask for Dani.

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Ultimate Panty Phone Sex Tease Kassidy

panty phone sex tease

Being the ultimate phone sex tease it wouldn’t surprise you that I tease my boyfriend as well. I mean why would I simply save the teasing for the phone? No way! Its far too much fun and well some times what I do with you naughty boys only has me wanting to do it in real life. So my boyfriend gets to be the guinea pig so to speak. Some times he is very thankful other times lets just say he would rather I wasn’t such a cock tease.

Some may or may not know my boyfriend is a bit of a panty boy ok well he likes them and admire them on me and well I might of pushed him into wearing them. Honesty, who knows which came first him wearing them or me pushing him into them. Does it really matter? NOPE!

So when I was at the lingerie shop I picked up a cute pair of super soft cotton booty shorts (yes really they are boy short style but when your putting them on your boyfriend that just sounds wrong so I call them booty shorts) Bright pink with blue elastic band. I grabbed some soft lace blue booty panties to match.

When I got home I laid his out on the bed. He knows that when he sees panties on the bed he is to put them on. As per normal he goes into the bedroom to shower and saw the panties on the bed and slips them on immediate after his shower.

I enter into the bedroom to see him admiring himself in the large mirror in the corner of the room. Twisting to see how his ass looks but most of all how snug those panties are against his hardening cock. Yup he likes them.

Seeing me in the reflection he notices my cute lace panties. Come on baby lay down on the bed. Time for a little fun. Getting him to lay on his back. I straddle down over his panty covered cock. My panty covered pussy just rocking back and forth.

Dry fucking him.

Teasing him.

The lace of my panties wont hold the juices my pussy is creating so they are dripping down on to his cotton panties. The head of his cock pushing out of his panties.

I just keep rocking back and forth. Riding his panty covered cock.

Ya I know such a cock tease but you know you are rock hard just thinking about what I did to him. Did she let him fuck her? Or did she panty fuck him all the way to an orgasm?

Well here is the deal I could tell you but then what kind of phone sex cock tease would I be? I am going to save that info till you call me for your own panty fucking fantasy.


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Big Breast Fetish Phone Sex with Busty Trisha

big breast fetish phone sex

When you are a woman with a voluptuous figure there is no hiding your curves under clothes. Course this plus size babe shall never toss any lose clothing on her body. I have curves and yes I am going to flaunt them. This personal mantra has always made the men with a breast fetish rather happy when they see me in my tight fitted tees walked down the street. For you get to see the outline of my massive tits and well my cleavage is usually popping out the top.

Yes it brings a smile to my face when a man is staring at my large breast. Especially when they are caught by their small breasted girlfriends. Yes I know your wondering what brought on this random ramble well very simple it was me sitting in the back of a courtesy van getting taken to and fro from the car repair shop. I was the only woman in the van and some how I ended up in the back seat which is fine I don’t need any guy giving up the front seat just for me.

Well the guy sitting next to me and the driver were having a good chat as we went down the road. My big tits bouncing over every sewer cover, pot hole, dip and bump in the road. Swear the driver was doing it on purpose just so he could see my breast bounce. For I would giggle with the jiggle in my bra and look up to see the driver grinning as he stared back in the rear view mirror. The guy beside me was making it rather obvious he was enjoying the bumpy ride.

One could only assume they had a bit of a breast fetish and were possibly imaging what it would be like to slip their cock between two massive tits that were bouncing around. Mind you that is only a woman’s thought process I could be completely off the mark.

Are you a man with a breast fetish? Perhaps you could tell me what was going through those men’s mind while they watch my boobs jiggle.

Just ask for Trisha!

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Young Voiced Phone Sex Teen

Its me DANI! Wiggles me bum at the pervie daddies out there. You know that some guys out there, like the older guys, dont think that young voiced phone sex girls know anything about sex?

young voiced phone sex

Well they dont they think we are all innocent and stuff. Well if your my dad then I am super innocent around sex. Still a virgin *giggle*

But you know what I have had sex! sucked cocks and let them fuck my pussy and even my bum. Well ok maybe not a lot of bum sex cause like the guys who want to fuck bums have big dicks and those really hurt a little bum like mine.

But I love sex. love sucking cock and older guys think its pretty hot to hear a young voiced phone sex girl say that. Well when they believe you have sucked a cock. But like this one guy wanted to hear me describe the first dick I had suck and whose dick it was. I would tell you here but its all super taboo an stuff and like not everyone is as open minded as the guys who call me. Sure you say your open minded but then you get nervous.

Like this guy who wanted to hear about the first time I sucked a cock he came to my taboo phone sex blog and read and stuff then got scared and didn’t call for a while. But then he got super horny and remembered my cute pictures with my blonde pigtails and my young phone sex voice and was like ooo got to call her. Now he likes to call me all the time which is fun cause we have lots of fun together getting super naughty on the phone.

So if you like young voiced phone sex girls who get super nasty on the phone and like to talk to older men then I guess you found the one.


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OTK Phone Sex Punishment with Carla

I happen to catch a certain naughty panty boy in my lingerie drawer, now its not the first time his sticky fingers in my silky under garments. Cant say that I blame Jason from wanting to be in my lingerie drawer for I do have quite the collection of things. That is the joy of being a mature woman you have years of gathering items behind you.

otk phone sex punishment

Now am fully aware that Jason is going to sneak off into his room and slip a pair of my panties on and masturbate with them. Something about wearing my panties while he rubs his cock makes his orgasms extra exciting. However, I am not going to let him wander off this time. Oh no. This phone mommy is going to put her foot down and get Jason to slide those panties on in front of me for starters. I want to see how excited he gets in his mommys panties.

So as I stood in front of him I told him to drop his pants and put on the lavender gstring panties of mine. The minute he started to slip them on he cock was getting excited. By the time that gstring was being pulled up he was having to adjust his cock and trying to contain it under that soft material.

Jason started to become more and more embarrassed as he stood there in my panties. Mind you I wasnt going to just let that bit of humiliation be the punishment for going into mommys panty drawer. Far from it. This was going to call for some over the knee spanking. See how much he enjoyed a little spanking punishment.

Course him being in a pair of gstring panties was going to work out just great for that meant he had a bare bum but his cock was all wrapped up in that sweet cotton goodness. I grabbed him and tossed him over my knee and started to use my bare hand on his bum. Sure he wiggled around but really he didnt stand a chance of getting out of my punishment. For I had him over my knee and his legs tucked under my other leg where my leg clamped down on him. There was no escaping my spankings.

Each spanking had Jason swearing he would stay out of my lingerie drawer. Course I knew it was all lies for his hardening cock told me other wise. He was enjoying his otk phone sex punishment from his special mommy far too much.

I am sure I will be catching Jason again and he wont be so quick to hide the fact he has been in there either.

What would you do if you were caught in my lingerie drawer?

I am ready for some more otk phone sex punishment just ask for Carla

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Strap-On Phone Sex with BBW Trisha

Love getting into sexual conversations with my girlfriends. Mainly cause I know their ideas of what is kinky and taboo are going to be completely different than mine. It doesn’t help that I get such wonderful taboo phone sex calls that help keep my mind open to fantasies like strap-on phone sex and well even more extreme phone sex fantasies as well.

Strap-on phone sex

As for my girlfriends, this one girl was telling us how her boyfriend kept wanting to fuck her in the ass. For ages she has been just ick on the idea. Now granted when one thinks of getting fucked in the ass its often met with luck warm greetings. Know myself I wasnt that much into getting my backdoor area penetrated. One over zealous lover wouldnt drop the idea of fucking my ass till I said Ok you go first! Let me peg your derriere then we can talk about you fucking my asshole.

Well I passed on that token thought of wisdom. It was met with some interesting looks from around the table. Suppose with this friend group the idea of taking a strap on to your other half’s buttocks was rather taboo.

Seriously they all sat there with their jaws on the table completely gobsmacked at the idea of strapping a fake penis to their hips and penetrating their other half’s asshole. I would say sorry but honestly this isnt some extreme taboo topic. Lots of men are getting fucked in the ass and begging to be pegged.

From the looks around the table this explains why so many men call me for strap-on phone sex fantasies and just to play with their assholes in general cause you know this is what your kinky idea will be met with. Utter shock! Such a shame really.

Lucky for you I adore ass fucking of all kinds you can even give it back to me. Course after I have put that fake dick up your ass first. You have to work for the pleasure of pegging my ass baby.


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Fetish for Chubby Girls in Work out Clothes

Do you have a fetish for chubby girls in workout clothes?

Love to see those body-hugging workout leggings pushing that belly roll over the edge of the waistband creating a muffin top you just want to grab a hold of.

fetish for chubby girls

Oh, and the way the sheen of those leggings just draw your eye to that plump camel toe.

Then there is the way a sports bra just fits a big busted curvy girl like myself. Creating those little rolls of flesh just under my arm as my boobs are squished together. Oh, imagine trying to get your dick to slip between that tight cleavage?

Yes, there is something so hot about a chubby girl wearing workout clothes.

I know when I slip into my active leggings from Torrid the men just turn their heads hoping to get a glimpse of my perfect voluptuous body from all angles. How could you not?

This big round booty looks so smooth covered in nylon and spandex. When I go to the gym I am not afraid to just go out in my leggings and sports bra letting those men get a good look at my curvy body. Let them chubby chasers see that belly roll jiggle away while I am working up a sweat on the treadmill.

Mind you I do have to ask once I get you all teased up with my workout clothes are you gonna be able to handle my curves naked?

It is an honest question.

I mean I look hot dressed but I look even better naked.

How about you give me a call and let’s discuss your fetish for chubby girls in workout clothes.

Just ask for Trisha


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Shoe Fetish: Worship Arianna’s Heels

If someone was to ask me what my obsessions are in life aside from cock it would be shoes and handbags. I kid you not. I am a firm believer that a girl can not have too many. I would love to convert a room into a closet and well my shoes and handbags would be on full display. I mean it’s such a bad obsession I try really, really hard not to have a wish list of nothing but shoes. Ya, my shoe fetish is that bad.

shoe fetish

It would probably come as no surprise that when a guy says he has a shoe fetish I am all ears and ready to have some fun with this shoe-worship phone sex call. Well, it might not start out worshiping my shoes but really if your fetish is anything like mine then how can you not worship a pretty set of heels?

You just can’t!

Those babies demand to be worshiped and adored.

The proper amount of attention must be paid to my Jimmy Choo sling backs or those ultra-sexy Christian Louboutin red-painted bottoms. How can you not want to lick those shoes?

Ok so even I am drooling thinking of Louboutin’s. They get me fucking wet can only imagine the view you guys have on your knees looking at my feet slip into a hot pair of cross-strap black pumps. Then watching me walk around on those 4-inch thin heels.

Your eyes going from the heel to my bare legs. Noticing how those heels give me that perfect little heart shape in my calf. You know the view I am talking about. Course adding stockings will give that extra great view too.

Then sitting down and making you worship my heels.

If you didn’t have a shoe fetish before this blog then you should after it. I know I am ultra worked up just thinking about my feet in some luxury footwear. How about working some sexy shoe shopping into that phone sex fantasy?


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Get Intoxicated Fantasy with Raunchy Riley

In the middle of the night a certain person called to invite me to a party. Yes for most it would be too late to even consider such an invite but really you couldn’t turn this sort of one down. For he was a kinky fellow looking for a girl to party with through the night. Someone who wouldn’t mind if he was racing down a few slopes on his way to an intoxicated enhanced erotic fantasy. Yes, you know who you are.

intoxicated phone sex

That is how he knew I would be up to help him not only party through the night but enjoy each kinky tale he could come up with. Mind you most of his dirty tales involved me sitting on his face. Smothering him with my sexy ass. Wait perhaps I should back up with how I found him when I entered his hotel room…..

See he was on all four barking like a dog waiting for my sexy ass to show up. Yes, it was quite a shock to see a grown man down on his hands and knees barking away but what was more hilarious was the fact there was a pretty leather collar on the floor that he was nudging with his nose towards me. Seems this fetish phone babe was about to acquire a new pet.

Yup after a few snow hill races this doggie was eager to worship my ass. Funny little confession from the doggie. He had no desire for women’s asses unless his head was spinning under the white cloud of snow. Amazing what fantasy we will explore while intoxicated.

What’s even funnier is that the more lines he did the dirtier he wanted my ass like he was even willing to allow his tongue to be my toilet paper. I know talk about kinky right? Hey, who am I to judge someone’s kinky fantasy it’s all kind of fun.

So that leaves this dirty phone sex chick to wonder what sort of things you crave to do when you are intoxicated. Sure there are a few taboo fantasies that sound hotter when you are under the influence. Give me a call and let’s talk about them. Anything truly goes with me!



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Fetish Phone Sex Masturbation

Fetish Phone Sex Babe Arianna Here!

So a certain guy asked me an interesting question tonight, which was what porn do I masturbate to? Or well I guess it’s more what type of dirty movies do I watch to really get myself off on?

Sounds like a simple question for a fetish phone sex babe right?

glory hole phone sex

That should be an easy answer but it all depends on my mood. Sort of like the fetish phone sex calls I get too I can never just pick one that has me going OMG. But I suppose when I think about it most of the porn I watch seems to revolve around girls going crazy for a big cock and well if it’s black then I am even more excited.

Well come on you have read my blog and I do like my cuckold fantasies so would only make sense that I would masturbate to black cock porn. Sometimes its a white girl going down and attempting to give a blow job to those massive thick nigger dicks and well then there are times when its a BBC taking control of the situation and forcing a girl into positions to take his black dick. Either way, it can be very hot and even if I am not in a masturbation mood it will get me wanting to reach for my sex toy.

What type of dirty xxx movies get you masturbating?

As for favorite porn stars male or female? I can’t say that I do have one. I just go favorite genre of porn over an actor. There are quite a few that I think are sexy and that will move me to watch their stuff but no specific favs as of yet. Perhaps you can share your favorite actor with me as well.


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