Bratty Teen Femdom Josie Humiliates Sissy

Hey its Josie your favorite little bratty teen femdom!

My best friends brother is so fucking annoying. He just wont leave us alone when we are at her place. She still lives at home and he is younger than us. I think he has a massive crush on me. Its cute and all but like I just dont like younger guys. I like older guys you know the kind with ohhh a license and a car. Like who wants mommy to have to drive us on a date. *eyeroll* I am so beyond that now that I am 18teen and out on my own.

bratty teen femdom

Not that I have a boyfriend but you know when I do get a boyfriend he will have a super hot car and be able to take me to super hot places and never have to wait till he gets an allowance. That is so high school.

Well we know that her brother hangs out just outside her door hoping to get any good stuff like gossip or even a glimpse into the room when we are changing. Like how immature is that. So this time we were super brats we invited him in and said we needed him to do something for us. We had to get ready for this charity show and needed to practice our make up and wardrobe but we couldnt practice on each other. Would he do it for us *eye bats* Course he was a sucker and said yes. Anything to spend 15 minutes in the same room with me. Ha!

So he comes in and we make him strip down and start handing him girls panties. Oh ya we were so going to feminize her brother. With super bright pink cheekie panties with white lace around the edges. Then a matching bra. Sure he hummed and hawed about it but when he saw me bend over in my short dress and flash my panties he was changing his tune pretty quick since it was dress up or get out.

Had him sit there in those pink panties and bra while he broke out the make up. Oh how I love make up. We had so much fun feminizing her brother too the foundation, the blush, the eyeshadow. OMG does it make me hot the shit we did to him.

I tell you he didnt have a chance.

The funny thing he looked so good as a girl too.

Like amazingly long eyelashes once we put on that black mascara those baby blue eyes just pop with that purple shadow. My friend was in her closet hunting for something for her brother to wear while I just sat there and flirted with him. Hey it was like a cat with a captured mouse you just have to toy with it.

I know I know what did we put on him.

Hmm I could tell you but then again why dont I put you in it during a little sissy boy phone sex call?

Hell we could make this call rock by grabbing another hot teen girl and let both of us humiliate you by dressing you up to be the prefect girlie boy.


bratty teen femdom

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Sissy Phone Sex Boy Confessions with Arianna

So sissy phone sex boy how is your girlie voice?

Have you been off practicing it? Sitting in rush hour working on that feminine voice that will match your alter sissy ego. Hmm what is her name? Jessica Carmen? Jennifer? Barbie?

sissy phone sex boy

Its always interesting what names you boys come up with for your pretty girlie side. I have to admit over the years of doing sissy boy phone sex calls I have wondered about the process that goes in before your call. Like do you dabble in the lingerie and consider yourself a guy with a fetish for women’s lingerie? Or do you honestly know your a sissy bitch the moment those silky nylons slip over your feet?

Does your name come to you while your applying your lipstick? That first pucker of your lips as your kissing the air make you think oooo I feel like a Kylie. Or does your name come from someone you knew at school. The slut of the high school that girl you admired for sucking so many dick. Your girlie side surely desires to be just like her.

See so many questions for you sissy boys. I know we could focus on the clothes and the make up and all things pretty and girlie but really wouldnt it be fun to focus on the how’s an why’s?

How did you come to that dressing style? Why that name? Where did you learn your make up techniques?

Ok so some of them are not quite how’s and why’s but you know what I mean. Dont you long for a gossip session where you just let all your secrets out. Why you became a sissy boy is the question I would like to know.

So when your in the mood to divulge those inner most secrets give me a call. I know I cant wait to hear them. Then after the sexy question period I could fuck you with my strapon. A good sissy phone sex boy does deserve a treat.

Talk to you soon, Arianna.

sissy phone sex boy

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Panty Boy Phone Sex Fun with Courtney

panty boy phone sex

Cute panties right?

Sexy as hell but are you really admiring how amazing they look on my ass? Or are you thinking how fucking hot they would feel against your bottom?

Ya I know your a panty boy. There is no mistaking it. Cant really say what the little token triggers were that gave it away but there is always just that certain something when your around a panty boy.

Those tells become far more evident when engaging in a panty boy phone sex fantasy. Oh dont act all surprised. Your just like the others running to phone sex to unleash your secret fetish desires with someone who wont completely judge you. I mean there is a tinge when you want us to humiliate you. Got to say I may have a slight bias since I dated a panty boy for a lil bit so that does sway me some on my opinion.

Nah I am not about to tell you more fun to let you just find out yourself which way this sexy blonde leans on the topic of men in panties. Yup that will get your cheeks blushing when y ou call. Haha. Oh and the dispatcher has no clue either.

What do you say time for some panty boy phone sex fun? I know its been a bit since I toyed with a guy in panties.

Ask for Courtney definitely looking forward to some naughty play time with a phone sex panty boy. Remember anything goes!

panty boy phone sex fantasy

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Jillian loves to exploit a Sissy Boy

sissy boy phone sex

As a sexy blonde woman I definitely draw the attention of men. So when a man doesnt glance my way I have to wonder what is up with them. Now before you tell me they are perhaps married? Oh darling! You havent been around many married men for they are the first to look and take the longest drink with their eyes. Just cause their is a wedding ring on their finger means absolutely nothing in my experience.

Sure you can ask me what brought this thought process up? Very simple I was at the mall grabbing a gift card for my nieces birthday. So thought I would run into the lingerie store and see if they had any cute jammies for her. There was a man in there looking up the sale rack of bra and panties.

First I thought he was excited to be buying such things for his girlfriend and  didnt notice me coming in well that was till I walked up and down the store. Still no look from him. He was too infatuated with the delicate fabric twisting over his fingers. Hmmm.

So I stood and watch him.

My time as a phone sex cougar has done nothing if not taught me about men who have a fetish for lingerie and their shopping habits. You guys are so willing to tell me your dirty secrets over the  phone. So there I was watching him and he was oblivious due to the delectable delights in front of him.

Hmmm what is your fetish…..

Panty boy?

Sissy boy?

Cross dresser?

All worked well with how he was behaving in the store. Avoiding eye contact with clerks and customers. Picking the rack in the back of the store. Choosing a time of day when it would be busy enough not to get overly noticed. The fact he went back and forth matching the panties to the bra I took him for either a sissy boy or a cross dresser.

Rather leaned to him being a sissy boy doing some pretty sissy assignment for his phone sex mistress. Love to find out what it was. The only reason I didnt choose cross dresser is there was a sense of embarrassment to the act and most men who dress in women’s clothing are far from embarrassed about dressing up.

What do you think? Am I right in it being a sissy boy? Or better yet are you a sissy boy craving a similar experience. Give me a call for something just as hot.


sissy boy phone sex

Sissy Boy Phone Sex with Whisper

sissy boy phone sex

Often get ask what is my favorite thing to do. After clarifying they are referring to what I enjoy doing on the phone it makes thing much easier. One of them is sissy boy phone sex fantasies. I mean to describe dressing up a man via the telephone is rather exciting its like playing with a virtual barbie doll only you get to listen to him moan and in some cases, if they are not too wrapped up in the details they will add their own 2 bits.

Really when you think about it a sexy shemale is the best person around to get you dressed up as a sissy boy for we bitches know what it takes to get a guy looking pretty. We have experience on our side.

If your someone who goes beyond the sexy lingerie and dabbles in the make up that your gonna be seeking out a heavy duty foundation to cover up that 5 o’clock shadow. Well I really hope you wont have to be covering up any stubble as a close shave just aids in feeling super girlie. That is a shave everywhere for those wondering.

Lay out your pretty girl clothes and give me a call for a wonderful evening of sissy boy phone sex fun. Can reach me most evenings.


sissy boy phone sex

Housewife Phone Sex: Forces Hubby to Wear Panties

housewife phone sex

Hello Sweethearts. Its Porscha your favorite housewife phone sex goddess. My husband has always had a fondness for my panties. He loves going in to lingerie stores and buying me sexy panties. In the hopes that I will wander around the house course only wearing them. Well I had a bit of a surprise for him. When I took the panties he just bought me for Valentine’s Day and told him he had to wear them for me. Well that just had his cock getting hard.

Who knew.

Well I had an idea.

Watching his cock get harder and harder.

I am pretty sure he was hoping I would fuck him but I had no intentions of doing that. Far from it really. I could leave that man with blue balls for days and days if not months.

But considering it was amusing me with bright pink panties on I did let him have some fun masturbating. Only cause I wanted to watch him orgasm in my panties. Found it rather sexy sitting there on the couch in my sexy teddy with garter belt and stockings. While telling my husband to stroke his panty cover dick.

Was a rather fun evening. Well for me. For my husband it was a very intense ball clenching evening. Course one this housewife phone sex goddess is more than happy to share with you. Or perhaps even recreate with a naughty panty boy.


housewife phone sex