This naughty phone sex coed talking to one of my dad’s friend yesterday actually it wasnt one of those oh hey lets sit down and have coffee and chat about our lives bs deals. It was more a we ran into each other at the mall while I was on my lunch break from the lingerie store and well. *eyeroll* he just thought he would join me. Sure fine thanks. Like him well enough but its my lunch break I wanted to just text with my girls and laugh at social media posts, you know?

The conversation went all over the place from weather to school to job to living on my own. He was giving me the creepy old man eye looking me up and down. I mean I was dressed super cute in my pink dress, its a sleeveless faux wrap dress style that falls just mid thigh. I mean I do have to keep it presentable with work and all. Its not like when I am doing phone sex and can wear what ever the heck I want!
So he is eying me up huge. I was literally getting the hebbie jebbies. He always had this tendency to creep me out really. Like he was mentally taking pictures to masturbate to me later when I lived at home. Which now that I know you guys actually do that. Its even odder being around him cause I know he is actually doing that.
Chatting up and he kept going on about living alone and must have guys parading in and out. So here is a weird thing, I am single but I am not a full on whore. Sure when it comes to phone sex fantasies I am bring it on I will do anything and everything goes.
Tramp me the fuck up!
Ya I do have a fuck buddy who I mess around with cause really I get fucking horny. OH and a few one night stands in there. Hmm this isnt really painting that picture of a good girl is it?
Ok so where am I going before I end up talking myself in circles of nothingness, he wanted me to basically say how my bed is some revolving door with tons of miles bounced on it with different dicks in and out of my pussy.
Now he doesnt know that I am a coed making her way through school doing naughty taboo phone sex. So I may or may not of elaborated just a touch on a few details. Ok so I did. Like telling him how I had to work really hard for some extra credit with a hand job with one of my professors.
I mean I did do that in a taboo phone sex fantasy the night before. *smile*
He was eating it up. OMG. I just hope he doesnt tell my dad while they are having a few drinks. Cause I dont want to have the I am not a slut conversation with my dad.
Ok so the sun is shining I am off to have some fun. Talk with you guys later.
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