I was at my dad’s office today just hanging out since I didnt have classes this afternoon. Dad wasnt there which happens some times so I just went into his office to do some studying. Course it was a day that dad was on some long meeting out of the office. And my books can only hold my interest for so long. Its not like I am reading some dirty masturbation stories. You know?
So I started looking out the windows as I was stretching my back. Well as I was sort of looking through the other business windows in the other building I saw guys doing the usual but one thing had me running for the binoculars dad keeps in his desk. This guy was jerking it at his desk. Like with the blinds open just pants full open cock out and wanking. I was laughing so hard! He had some porn on his computer. He didnt seem to care he could get busted at any moment people were just walking around out his office. When I scanned up the door was wide open. WOW!
Made me wonder with some of the guys who do some masturbation phone sex calls with me from their office if they are doing it with the door open and with a full office? Know some of you guys call after the office is empty but this was funny. I was giggling and actually the more I watch him masturbate the wetter my pussy got.
Little confession it got my panties rather wet.
What are some of your masturbation stories? Love to hear them when you call the number below. Oh and ask for Emma.