When you are a woman with a voluptuous figure there is no hiding your curves under clothes. Course this plus size babe shall never toss any lose clothing on her body. I have curves and yes I am going to flaunt them. This personal mantra has always made the men with a breast fetish rather happy when they see me in my tight fitted tees walked down the street. For you get to see the outline of my massive tits and well my cleavage is usually popping out the top.
Yes it brings a smile to my face when a man is staring at my large breast. Especially when they are caught by their small breasted girlfriends. Yes I know your wondering what brought on this random ramble well very simple it was me sitting in the back of a courtesy van getting taken to and fro from the car repair shop. I was the only woman in the van and some how I ended up in the back seat which is fine I don’t need any guy giving up the front seat just for me.
Well the guy sitting next to me and the driver were having a good chat as we went down the road. My big tits bouncing over every sewer cover, pot hole, dip and bump in the road. Swear the driver was doing it on purpose just so he could see my breast bounce. For I would giggle with the jiggle in my bra and look up to see the driver grinning as he stared back in the rear view mirror. The guy beside me was making it rather obvious he was enjoying the bumpy ride.
One could only assume they had a bit of a breast fetish and were possibly imaging what it would be like to slip their cock between two massive tits that were bouncing around. Mind you that is only a woman’s thought process I could be completely off the mark.
Are you a man with a breast fetish? Perhaps you could tell me what was going through those men’s mind while they watch my boobs jiggle.
Just ask for Trisha!