So I have a new neighbour well sort of a new neighbour this guy has moved onto my street and lets just say his choice in fucking vehicles has me going yup you are a member of the itty bitty dickie club cause its one of those raised up trucks with big tires and some super loud engine. Can hear him 5 miles away. Then he does this tire squealing up the road like look at me. The attention all small dick losers seem to crave.
The other day was sitting on the couch with a friend having a good gossip session and wouldnt ya know it small dick loser is screaming up the street. My friend starts laughing cause we both know when we hear and well see a raised up truck its a massive sign the driver has nothing to offer in his pants.
I just wanna know why you small dick fuckers buy such big trucks its not like you know how to park equipment like that?
I am thinking for the ultimate small penis humiliation of going and just placing a Nissan Micra pamphlet on his truck be like ya this is more your speed. Leave the big trucks for those who know how to handle big things.
Course if I was a nice neighbour I would probably offer to give him a big dick fucking with my strap on so he would know what a real cock feels like haha. Even if mine is a faux cock but better than his 2 inch micro cock.
Anyways if you cant tell I am definitely in the mood for some small penis humiliation phone sex so just ask for Bree when you call the number below.