Thankfully classes are over for this teasing phone sex coed. I am done studying for finals. I am so done with cramming information into my head. Its time to move on to the important stuff. What the heck I am going to be doing for the summer break.
Well I know what it will contain lots of teasing guys down at the beach. I have to venture out and find a few bikinis. I know guys dont care but I think its important to change the bikinis up every year. I mean how can a girl tease a guy in the same old bikini? You just cant need to have a new one. Actually need more than one. If I had my way I would have one for each day of the week.
Course that would mean I would be at the beach each day of the week wearing my sexy bikinis. Totally the life teasing men on the beach by day and teasing men on the phone by night. Ya I think I could get behind that no problem. Oh no wait thats what I have been doing the last few years at a phone sex coed. Ha!
Well other than having to do internships here and there, which gets in the way of beach time and kinky phone sex time. Well I am going back to snooping online for bikinis. Well more for styles that I might like cause lets face it you really need to venture into a store for those things and try them on.
But I am around for some teasing phone sex role plays, maybe a bikini beach one that leaves you with some blue balls?