All my friends are ranting and raving about the nice fall weather. I am too I love being able to go out on my deck in my tshirt and shorts to catch a few rays. But there is one UGH thing about the nice weather.
Having open windows.
So with all this nice weather I love having my windows open to get the fresh breeze. I take calls in my bedroom usually and well being an apartment complex people are bound to hear me having fun with those kinky masturbation phone sex fantasies. Doubt they hear what I am talking about but you can definitely make out the buzz of my vibrator.
I know get to the point right.
Well the other night I was having some fun all on my own. No phone calls involved just had a shower and had let the shower head hit that special spot and well thought some fun with my vibrator was in order. So I was really getting into it. Like think of all those sybian videos you have watched oh ya I was rocking that vibrator. On my knees rocking back and forth. Head board banging. Me moaning and well that is when it happened the guy who lived next door to me was banging on the wall and screaming at me to knock it off. So much for that second or was it third orgasm I was working on.
I was so embarrassed I didnt even want to leave my place for the whole week. Course I had to but I was doing the whole covert mission thing down the hallway. Opening my door just a crack and peeking to ensure he wasnt coming out. I can always blame someone else. Not sure who but someone. Ah who am I kidding my reddening face will give it all away.
Have you ever had that happen to you?
Just ask for Courtney for some hot masturbation phone sex fun!