Usually I am all oooo apartment living is pretty cool. Oh wait am I? Well most the time I am its cool. I have no elephants living above me and well no one complains about my music so really it aint that bad but the one thing that sucks is how flipping how hot this place is getting. I have tried everything to cool it down but nothing works. So this phone sex teen is left to walk around in my panties and cami while doing calls
Ya your like this is a problem?
Well guess not really but other than the guy across the courtyard is totally jerking off to me when I have the curtains open for a breeze. Do you know how uncomfortable that is to be peeped on all the time? Probably not cause your one of the guys who would be doing it.
Most the time I am laying on my bed trying to figure out if he just likes hot young teens and jerks off to that? Or if he is a panty boy and is totally wanking to my cute cotton panties? Or actually I usually keep flipping between those two.
Sure as a taboo phone sex teen I have heard it all but when you see an old man jerking it off in front of you ya just dont know what to think. Well ewwww comes to mind hahah!