So never fails any time I get back from a sleep over at my girlfriend’s house my panties are missing. Like not a ooo I think they fell out of my bag or oops left them in the bathroom type thing. Full on my panties have been taken out of my bag. Sure when this stupid shit of missing panties started I did think I left them at her house cause sure as shit a few days later they would be found.
Now we are years into our friendship and well I do kinky phone sex so my mind is a little more opened to the freaks that exist out there in the world. Ya you guessed it my friend’s dad is a panties sniffer. Full on wants to rub his nose in my dirty panties and sniff hard on that cotton guzzet. You think I am telling some crazy tale but really think about it how many phone sex panty sniffer fantasies start out with my daughter’s hot friend spent the night. I wanna sneak into the room while they are sleeping and steal those dirty panties from the floor.
Oh Yes! Like almost all of your sick panty sniffing phone sex fuckers wanna do that. See its one too many panty sniffing phone sex fantasies that started out like which got me thinking. Hey! Wait a minute! This explains why my panties always went missing at my friend’s house. Also explains why her dad acted so weird when I was over. He damn near stained his pants when I showed up after volleyball practice and wanted to shower. Ya imagine how bad he wanted to sniff those dirty panties!
Well thats why all the pieces went into place. My friend’s dad is a freak. So I could of been all ewww nasty. Ok so I was a touch of that but now I just play into it and tease him when I go over there. Saying things of would you mind me grabbing a shower since I just got finished working out at hot yoga. I am terribly sweaty after being in that sauna like room doing my stretches. Yup to watch him gulp is so fucking awesome.
Course I am not just gonna tease my dear ole friends dad. I am also gonna tease you panty sniffer phone sex freaks too. Like come on you can do with some taboo role play right? Your long over due to talk about sniffing some dirty barely legal panties. So give me a call just ask for Bree.