Shall admit that when I was younger I was rather turned off seeing an older women with a younger man. That whole MILF thing was lost on me. Now that I am in my early 40’s and divorced. Well lets just say I no longer believe that any more. In fact, I rather adore cougar phone sex fantasies.
Not really sure what switched in my brain if its the fact so many younger men are just so fucking hot walking around shirtless and with those well toned bodies. Or the fact most men my age have just let themselves go, sorry guys. I am in the gym 3-4 days a week looking after myself and its nice to be with a man who does the same. The young things at my gym. Oh lordy! Have mercy.
Have you ever thought about fucking one of the older women in your gym?
Jumped on the machine behind her just to watch that ass move in her spandex work out pants?
I would say there is someone at my gym doing that but we rather progressed well beyond that. See it was my boyfriend who was watching me work out. Offering pointers on how to improve my techniques and before I knew it this cougar was pouncing on him behind the water fountain.
Mind you before we got to the show me your muscle phase, our sexual tension was helping motivate me with those hot cougar phone sex fantasies. Nothing like acting out on the phone what is driving you crazy horny in real life. Oh how the thought of being with a younger man got me wet.
Even though I have him now I enjoy a good older woman/younger man role play to help get me warmed up for when his hard cock gets home. Love to hear what cougar fantasies you been thinking of. Just ask for Jillian.