I am always that unassuming girl the one who you wouldnt think would be into the kinky fetishes and fantasies. My sweet demeanor on the outside and inner freak always throws guys for a loop. Like who would think I would be an extreme phone sex girl into dental fetish fantasies. Well I am.
Or should I say that fetish seems to pop up when I am in the dental chair. Kind you not I was there just the other day and boom all sorts of kinky dirty things popped into my head. Really I can keep my innocence and blame you freaky guys haha.
I was sitting in the chair for a cleaning and the girl was spinning me and moving me up and down in that chair. So it got me thinking wouldnt it be awesome if my mouth was propped open with a mental mouth gag or some cheek re-tractors? Ok those with a dental fetish are completely seeing where I am going with this. Those that are just looking for some freaky role play fantasy will see in a moment.
Well with a dental gag my mouth will be unable to close and well a chair that will have me spun upside down really and you control where I move. Just think how hot oral sex would be. Sliding you cock into my mouth that is unable to close and you controlling the motion of the chair. Up. Down. UP. DOWN.
Ya you see where this is going. How deep your cock will go. Mind you there wont be much sucking action but just the visual will be rather hot. There is always putting your cock else where that is nice and tight. The mouth that is forced open is merely the foreplay aspect.
Actually dont know about you but we can take this dental fetish fantasy anywhere I am just tossing out a little idea to start the sexual fluids going.
Give me a call and lets work on this idea a bit further. Just ask for Courtnay the not so innocent blond.