Everyone knows I love teasing my boyfriend. Doesnt matter where I am I will tease him. Which is one of the things he loves about me. Even if he doesnt say so I know he loves the fact I tease his cock till his balls are blue!
Well we were out for dinner with a few friends of ours over the weekend. Which if you ask me is the prime time to tease his cock. I had put on this killer black dress that just hugged my athletic body. Even my tits were showcased amazingly. My boyfriend course had watched me get dressed normal thing. Saw me put on a pair of red thong panties. Then out the door we went.
We got to the restaurant made it through the wine and appetizers when I disappeared to the bathroom. I had slid off my panties and balled them up into my hand. I returned to the table sat down next to my boyfriend gave him a kiss and slipped my panties into his hand. He just looked at his hand and gave me a look at which point I just whispered in his ear, “Put them on!”
He fought his cheeks from blushing as he excused himself to go to the bathroom and change like a good panty boy that he is. He knew he couldnt be gone for very long other wise people would wonder so it had to be a quick change. Upon returning the flush of excitement was rather obvious. He just brushed it off as the wine going straight to his head. Ya right!
As we went through dinner which I have to say with these friends I was never so grateful that our dinner was drawn out and so long. For it was 2 hours of teasing my boyfriends cock in those panties. He was squirming in his seat. My hand in his lap rubbing his bulge probably didnt help his squirming either.
It was 2 hours of pure panty teasing.
Bet you wonder what happened when we got home? Well for those wonderful details you will just have to call.
Ask for Courtney for a panty boy phone sex teasing