The idea of being some down on my luck girl living behind dumpsters begging for money and food. Oddly excites me. Not sure if its the way I can twist the idea into being something of the perverse nature in which dirty mind works or that the idea of a fuck the homeless girl fantasy just hits that horny spot with in my cunt. Either way I can blame a combination of a bug chaser phone sex call the night before mixed with watching one of my favorite shows Criminal Minds. Sure they didnt have guys fucking homeless girls but it did get me wondering about things in the extreme fetish nature.
Such as sitting beside a dumpster wearing my clothes that smell of living in the street; dirt, mold and dampness. That smell that hits the back of your throat and really just makes you want to gag. You know that I havent bathed in months. Or the dirt under my nails leads you to think that anyways. My lips are cracked. My eyes lost that hope.
Just sitting there with my can begging for any spare change.
You know I havent been on the street far too long. For the new to the street girls wouldnt let themselves get to this level of filth. They would of maintained their pretty. Some pimp would of scooped them up so they could be used on the corner of skank and ho. No I was not the girl of the month any more. I had done my time in the back of fancy cars. Moved on to quick blow jobs in the back alleys. Giving it up without condoms for that extra few bucks. Now was just begging for what someone would give.
Knowing I am a well used girl does get your mind racing.
Could my pussy carry some infectious disease?
Would my cunt make your dick fall off?
Gets you wondering as you stand there in the shadows rubbing your cock thinking of what sexually transmitted disease I could have. Your a bug chaser and you have been watching me for weeks. Time to finally find out what I could give you.
Devon Smith is ready to fuck you with her diseased pussy during a bug chasing phone sex fantasy.