I am Karen and well I am a cuckold phone sex queen. Oh I know your probably thinking I shouldnt go around bragging about the fact that I cuck my husband but really I would shout it from the roof tops given half the chance. For cuckolding saves my marriage. I know how could me running around fucking other men save my marriage but to be honest the idea of fucking 1 dick for the rest of my life well depressing. Especially if you saw what my husband was working with. I mean I only married him cause he had money and well beyond that nothing that made my pussy tingle in that OMG I cant get enough of you way. His wallet. YES. His dick. NO.

So cuckolding was where we just happened to land on. I say that tongue and cheek cause I knew he had to be cucked and really if you knew his personality he was a walking poster boy for Cuckolders of America if there was such a society. When I told him about what I wanted to do with him he was eager to do it. Might of helped I was giving him a much coveted blow job, he rarely gets those from me and well will agree to anything when his dick is in my mouth.
Telling him about all the joys of being a cuckold. To watch another man fuck me. To eat another mans cum from my pussy. Oh yes how can you not get excited at those ideas. Really hubby was more than happy to see me walk out that door and take other men’s dick in my pussy. You would too. So now I go out on a regular basis getting men whenever I want. As long as I tell my hubby all about it he is a very happy man. LOL.
The good news is I love talking about my cuckolding adventures with wanna be cuckolds, so if your around during the day you can find me taking calls. Love to dive into some cuckold fantasies with you.