minions. When I say your in for some ruby shower phone sex lets get one thing straight this PHONE SEX DOMME is not talking about pinning some red wings on you. For if you have been following ME over the years you will know one thing about ME.
Well not the sort of men who will be looking to be MY phone submissive. I dont find you sort sexually appealing in the slightest. Sure there are certain things you will do that brings a smile to MY face but truly it will never make MY pussy wet.
So what am I getting at well the only time you will get near MY delightful pussy is when I am menstruating. For I do need some sick fuck to clean it up. This is only for the hard core fetish lovers among you. As I am talking about something far beyond being a clean up boy after I have had sex with a real man. It is when my pussy lips are slippery with the monthly juices that flow from MY body. The sick submissives out there will be licking their lips going god if only I could be MISTRESS’ tampon. Oh but you shall.
For I am looking for a good tongue to use for some ruby shower phone sex. Perhaps it will be yours.