There are those moments in time when you sit back and think back on what you have done sexually. The path you have ventured down and there are certain moments that make you not just smile but actually make you pussy still tingle with delight over that experience. It might not have been something you have done for quite awhile but it still resonates with in you so much that your body remembers even if it takes your mind a few moments to capture all the delicious moments of it. For me its a certain hogtied bondage event that comes to mind instantly.
It was my very first time venturing into bondage of any type let along hogtied bondage. It was a stranger I had met up with at a coffee shop of all things but that wouldn’t really surprise you too much for I lived in a small town when I was younger and well this guy was just someone traveling through, there to do some work for a few days then move along. Which made it perfect he had a yearning for some bondage fetish and a wide eyed strawberry blonde girl just out of high school was perfect for him. After talking a for awhile over all types of bizarre shit. Not talking oh I am a sexual freak type shit it was worldly stuff you know the stuff I just didnt get from the guys my age. He knew that I was lacking certain things in my life too from the guys my own age as was he. He found it hard to tell his wife that he had a fetish for bondage. So that is what made him look for “willing victims” such as myself.
It really didnt take long before I was heading to his hotel room not quite sure what was in store for me really. I knew this guy was going to enlighten me sexually in ways that I knew was missing but beyond that it was a mystery.
A delightful mystery.
One I was truly ready to discover.
He must of been in the mood too for he told me to strip naked. I must say the warm person I met at the coffee shop disappeared. Sure he was still there but there was this new aura that came over him. One of authority that you just had to obey. I removed my clothes quickly.
His next bark was to lay on the bed as he ventured to his suitcase and pulled out the most creamy silky nylon rope. Tons of it for it seemed heavy to lift. He started weaving that silky rope around my neck this intricate application of knots and twists began there. I had to roll and twist and aid him in his application of the bondage but yet at the same time with every pull of the rope as it glided over my bare skin it was enticing. Erotic.
Must say just sitting here writing about it I find it most stimulating as well.
He would place knots around my breasts.
Then came rolling me over on to my stomach so that he could have my arms bound to behind me. The hogtied bondage began. I could see how this could be quite the stimulating fetish for someone. For only being bound for 15 minutes it was already having an effect on me. To see the look on his face as he had to work each twist and knot was arousing as well. Hearing him command me to bend my knees. I knew this was the part where he was going to completely hogtie me but at the same time I didnt stop it.
I wanted him to continue till I was completely bound. To let the silk of the rope rub against my pale skin. Must admit my mind did wander to what does happen when one is in a hogtied bondage state? Think its only a natural reaction. I felt very vulnerable and very arouse. The two feelings were fighting each other in some ways and in others they were very at home with each other.
Now I could tell you what all happened with me being hogtied but really that would be something to savor at a later date. For I am becoming far too aroused to sit here and type any more.
Be sure to ask for Devon Smith let us explore some hogtied bondage fetish together.